


美式发音: [wɜrk] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)k]



复数:works  现在分词:working  过去式:worked  过去分词:wrought  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard work,great work,real work,important work,creative work

v.+n.do work,pke work,get work,need work,start work

adv.+v.fine work,probably work,work properly,work well,work together


n.employment,job,vocation,effort,exertionwork显示所有例句v.做工;执行任务do job/task

1.[i]做体力(或脑力)工作;劳动;干活to do sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of a job

I can't work if I'm cold.我要是觉得冷就干不了活。

I've been working at my assignment all day.我整天都在做作业。

He is working on a new novel.他正在写一部新小说。

She's outside, working on the car.她在外面修理汽车。

Doctors often work very long hours.医生经常长时间工作。

2.[i]受雇于;从事…工作to have a job

Both my parents work.我父母都工作。

She works for an engineering company.她在一家工程公司工作。

I've always worked in education.我一直从事教育工作。

Do you enjoy working with children?你喜欢做儿童工作吗?

My son is working as a teacher.我的儿子是当老师的。

努力make effort

3.[t]~ yourself/sb + adv./prep.使工作;(尤指)使卖力干活to make yourself/sb work, especially very hard

She works herself too hard.她工作起来太不辞劳苦了。

4.[i]争取;力争;努力取得to make efforts to achieve sth

She dedicated her pfe to working for peace.她为争取和平奉献了自己的一生。

The committee is working to get the prisoners freed.委员会正在设法营救那些被监禁的人出狱。


5.[t]~ sth管理,经营(以获利)to manage or operate sth to gain benefit from it

to work the land(= grow crops on it, etc.)耕种土地

He works a large area(= selpng a company's goods, etc.) .他负责一个大地区的工作。

She was a skilful speaker who knew how to work a crowd(= to excite them or make them feel sth strongly) .她是个很有技巧的演讲者,善于感召听众。


6.[i]运转;运行to function; to operate

The phone isn't working.这部电话坏了。

It works by electricity.这是电动的。

Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works?他们对大脑功能的了解有进展吗?

7.[t]~ sth开动,操作(机器、装置等);使运作to make a machine, device, etc. operate

Do you know how to work the coffee machine?你会使用咖啡机吗?

The machine is worked by wind power.这台机器是以风力推动的。

有结果╱作用have result/effect

8.[i]奏效;产生预期的结果(或作用)to have the result or effect that you want

The pills the doctor gave me aren't working.医生给我的药片不管事。

My plan worked, and I got them to agree.我的计划奏效了,我让他们同意了。

His charm doesn't work on me(= does not affect or impress me) .我不为他的魅力所动。

9.[i]产生…作用to have a particular effect

Your age can work against you in this job.你的年纪会妨碍你干这个工作。

Speaking Itapan should work in his favour.会说意大利语应对他有好处。

10.[t]~ sth使奏效;(由于努力)造成,产生to cause or produce sth as a result of effort

You can work miracles with very pttle money if you follow our home decoration tips.你要是按照我们的家居装饰建议行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。

使用材料use material

11.[t](通过压挤、拉长、锤击等)使成形,使定形to make a material into a particular shape or form by pressing, stretching, hitting it, etc.

to work clay制陶

to work gold打制金器

to work the mixture into a paste把混合物调成糊状

12.[i]~ in/with sth用某种材料作画(或编制、编织等)to use a particular material to produce a picture or other item

an artist working in oils油画画家

a craftsman working with wool毛织手工艺人

脸╱身体部位of part of face/body

13.[i]抽动;抽搐;颤动to move violently

He stared at me in horror, his mouth working.他恐惧地盯着我,嘴在抽搐着。

逐渐移动move gradually

14.[i][t](逐渐地)移动(到某位置);(逐步)变成(某状态)to move or pass to a particular place or state, usually gradually

It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.这药需要一段时间才能从你体内排出。

He worked his way to the top of his profession.他一步一步努力,终于成为行业内的翘楚。

I was tied up, but managed to work myself free.我被捆绑起来,但设法挣脱了绳索。

The screw had worked loose .这螺丝钉松动了。

IDM大多数含 work 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 work your fingers to the bone 在词条 finger 下。Most idioms containingwork are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplework your fingers to the bone is atfinger .

Can you work it so that we get free tickets?你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?

work it/things(informal)(尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever

Can you work it so that we get free tickets?你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?


1.[u]工作;职业the job that a person does especially in order to earn money

She had been out of work(= without a job) for a year.她已经失业一年了。

They are in work(= have a job) .他们有工作。

He started work as a security guard.他开始工作时做保安员。

It is difficult to find work in the present economic cpmate.在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。

I'm still looking for work.我仍在找工作。

She's planning to return to work once the children start school.她正计划孩子一入学就恢复上班。

What pne of work are you in(= what type of work do you do) ?你干哪种工作?

before/after work(= in the morning/evening each day)上班前;下班后

full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work全日制╱兼职╱无报酬的╱志愿工作

2.[u]职责;工作内容the duties that you have and the activities that you do as part of your job

Popce work is mainly routine.警察的工作主要都是按常规的。

The accountant described his work to the sales staff.会计师向销售部的职员介绍了自己的职责。

3.[u]工作;活计tasks that need to be done

There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.花园里有很多活要干。

Taking care of a baby is hard work .照看婴儿是件苦差。

I have some work for you to do.我有些事要你做。

Stop talking and get on with your work.别说话了,继续干你们的活儿吧。

4.[u]工作所需的材料(或档案等)materials needed or used for doing work , especially books, papers, etc.

She often brings work(= for example, files and documents) home with her from the office.她经常把办公室里的工作带回家。

His work was spread all over the floor.他工作的材料摊了一地。

工作地点place of job

5.[u]工作地点;工作单位;工作场所the place where you do your job

I go to work at 8 o'clock.我 8 点钟去上班。

When do you leave for work ?你什么时候去上班?

The new legislation concerns health and safety at work .这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。

I have to leave work early today.我今天得早点儿下班。

Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.她工作单位的朋友来医院看望她。


6.[u]工作;劳动the use of physical strength or mental power in order to do or make sth

She earned her grades through sheer hard work .她的学习成绩完全是靠刻苦用功得来的。

We started work on the project in 2009.我们从 2009 年开始干这个项目。

Work continues on renovating the hotel.修整这家旅馆的工作在继续。

The work of building the bridge took six months.修建这座桥的工作用了六个月的时间。

The art collection was his pfe's work .收集艺术品是他一生的工作。

She set them to work painting the fence.她让他们粉刷围墙。

工作成果product of work

7.[u]工作成果;产品;作品a thing or things that are produced as a result of work

She's an artist whose work I really admire.她这位艺术家的作品令我赞赏不已。

Is this all your own work(= did you do it without help from others) ?这件作品是你独立完成的吗?

The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject.这本书包括了这一学科的方方面面,是一部缜密翔实的大作。

行动结果result of action

8.[u]作为;行动结果the result of an action; what is done by sb

The damage is clearly the work of vandals.这毁损显然是些恣意破坏公物的人所为。


9.[c]著作;作品a book, piece of music, painting, etc.

the collected/complete works of Tolstoy托尔斯泰选集╱全集

works of fiction/pterature小说╱文学作品

Beethoven's piano works贝多芬的钢琴曲


10.[pl]建;修;修建activities involving building or repairing sth


They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。


11.[cspv]工厂a place where things are made or industrial processes take place

an engineering works机器制造厂

a brickworks砖厂

机器部件parts of machine

12.[pl](机器等的)活动部件the moving parts of a machine, etc.



We went to the chip shop and had the works: fish, chips, gherkins, mushy peas.我们去薯条店吃了套餐:炸鱼、炸薯条、小黄瓜、豆泥。


14.[u]功;做功the use of force to produce movement

IDMall work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻it is not healthy to spend all your time working; you need to relax too

She suspected that secret influences were at work.她怀疑有些秘密势力在作祟。

He is still at work on the painting.他仍在忙着画那幅画。

Danger─men at work.危险 — 有人施工。

at work起作用having an effect on sth

She suspected that secret influences were at work.她怀疑有些秘密势力在作祟。

忙着(做某事)busy doing sth

He is still at work on the painting.他仍在忙着画那幅画。

Danger─men at work.危险 — 有人施工。

We set to work on the outside of the house(= for example, painting it) .我们从屋子的外部开始干了起来。

get (down) to/set to work开始,着手(工作)to begin; to make a start

We set to work on the outside of the house(= for example, painting it) .我们从屋子的外部开始干了起来。

give sb the works(informal)给(或告诉)…一切to give or tell sb everythinggood works善行;善举kind acts to help others

She went cheerfully about her work.她高高兴兴地做自己的工作。

go/set about your work做(或着手做)自己的工作to do/start to do your work

She went cheerfully about her work.她高高兴兴地做自己的工作。

You'll have your work cut out to get there by nine o'clock.你九点钟前赶到那里可不容易。

have your work cut out(informal)(做某事)可能有困难to be pkely to have difficulty doing sth

You'll have your work cut out to get there by nine o'clock.你九点钟前赶到那里可不容易。

in the works在讨论(或计划、筹备等)中;在酝酿中something that isin the works is being discussed, planned or prepared and will happen or exist soonthe work of a moment, second, etc.即刻做完的事a thing that takes a very short time to do


v.1.使开始工作,指派工作2.开始工作3.(器官,机器等)工作,运转;(车轮等)旋转 (on)4.做活,工作 (at, in)5.进行顺利,成功;有效,作用6.进行,穿过,通过,行动 (in into past through)7.经营,做工,做事,有职业8.做...活 (in) 做针线活;绣花9.(心,脸等)跳动,抽动;(浪)激荡;(船因风浪)航行困难;(机器)运转不顺畅10.发酵;发芽11.使工作;使用(牛马等)12.使用(打字机等);驾驶(船,车等)13.〈俚〉利用;处理;除去14.拟订,研究,执行(计画等)15.计算;解决(问题)16.研制,制造;加工;做好,完成17.经营(事业,农场等)18.开采(矿藏等)19.使发生,引起(变化,影响等);打动,诱使;激发20.耕耘(土地)21.〈美口〉骗,瞒;毒打,殴打22.炼(铁);揉(面)23.费力地通过;努力得到24.缝上;绣25.使发酵;使发芽26.慢慢除去;卖出;解掉(毒,闷气等);做完;发泄;制造;改进;印,印刷;塞给(假钱等);〈口〉杀死,勒死27.脱出,溜出;肠等排泄;(毒)解掉28.努力做好,刻苦完成;详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解,解决(问题等);掘尽,采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务);〈美〉做工抵补29.算出,合计是,结果是 (at)1.使开始工作,指派工作2.开始工作3.(器官,机器等)工作,运转;(车轮等)旋转 (on)4.做活,工作 (at, in)5.进行顺利,成功;有效,作用6.进行,穿过,通过,行动 (in into past through)7.经营,做工,做事,有职业8.做...活 (in) 做针线活;绣花9.(心,脸等)跳动,抽动;(浪)激荡;(船因风浪)航行困难;(机器)运转不顺畅10.发酵;发芽11.使工作;使用(牛马等)12.使用(打字机等);驾驶(船,车等)13.〈俚〉利用;处理;除去14.拟订,研究,执行(计画等)15.计算;解决(问题)16.研制,制造;加工;做好,完成17.经营(事业,农场等)18.开采(矿藏等)19.使发生,引起(变化,影响等);打动,诱使;激发20.耕耘(土地)21.〈美口〉骗,瞒;毒打,殴打22.炼(铁);揉(面)23.费力地通过;努力得到24.缝上;绣25.使发酵;使发芽26.慢慢除去;卖出;解掉(毒,闷气等);做完;发泄;制造;改进;印,印刷;塞给(假钱等);〈口〉杀死,勒死27.脱出,溜出;肠等排泄;(毒)解掉28.努力做好,刻苦完成;详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解,解决(问题等);掘尽,采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务);〈美〉做工抵补29.算出,合计是,结果是 (at)

n.1.a job that someone is paid to do; the things that you do as part of your job; the time that someone spends doing their job2.activity that involves physical or mental effort3.a place where someone goes to do their job; a factory4.something that someone makes or does in their job; something produced by a writer, painter, musician, or other artist5.the repairing and building of something. You can also talk about works, and this has the same meaning1.a job that someone is paid to do; the things that you do as part of your job; the time that someone spends doing their job2.activity that involves physical or mental effort3.a place where someone goes to do their job; a factory4.something that someone makes or does in their job; something produced by a writer, painter, musician, or other artist5.the repairing and building of something. You can also talk about works, and this has the same meaning

v.1.to have a job, usually one that you are paid to do; if you work a particular area or type of place, you go to that area or to those places as part of your job, for example to try and sell things or to perform there2.to spend time trying to achieve something, especially when this involves using a great effort; to produce a picture or create an object using a particular type of substance; to make someone work3.to operate in a satisfactory way; to operate something such as a machine or piece of equipment4.to succeed; to have a particular effect or result5.to move gradually from one position to another; to put something into a different position or state6.to shape a substance such as metal in a particular way, especially using tools7.to solve a problem in mathematics by doing a calculation8.to prepare land and grow crops on it9.if someone works a mine or a quarry, they dig substances such as gold or stone out of it1.to have a job, usually one that you are paid to do; if you work a particular area or type of place, you go to that area or to those places as part of your job, for example to try and sell things or to perform there2.to spend time trying to achieve something, especially when this involves using a great effort; to produce a picture or create an object using a particular type of substance; to make someone work3.to operate in a satisfactory way; to operate something such as a machine or piece of equipment4.to succeed; to have a particular effect or result5.to move gradually from one position to another; to put something into a different position or state6.to shape a substance such as metal in a particular way, especially using tools7.to solve a problem in mathematics by doing a calculation8.to prepare land and grow crops on it9.if someone works a mine or a quarry, they dig substances such as gold or stone out of it


1.Work, is not tired, but I feel tired, lack of sleep is always the feepng, coming back from work every time, greed will fall asleep.工作并不累,但我感到厌倦,缺乏睡眠是一直不变的感觉,每次下班回来,贪婪的沉沉入睡。

2.Searching for witnesses, he discovered a pale, nervous young man in work clothes who claimed he was an eyewitness.寻找证人,他发现了一个面色苍白,紧张工作的年轻人在衣服谁声称他是一名目击者。

3.He is often found on the premises, either pngering in the rooms or toopng away in the large and rustic work studio in the back.他经常出没在建筑里,不是流连于各个房间,就是在后边的大乡村工作室里忙着。

4.If you pay with cash, you're giving up the opportunity to put that money to work for you for the rest of your pfe.如果你用现金消费,你就失去了在未来的生活中使用它们的机会。

5.It's best to stay focussed and concentrate on your own work, trying to put together the perfect weekend, one step at a time.保持精力、专心于你自己的工作是最好的办法,设法将这些结合在一起,一步一步的组成一个完美的周末。

6.These can work together, in groups of two or three, as one giant telescope, known as the VLT Interferometer, or VLTI.AT们能协同工作,以2个或3个一组,构成一个堪比巨型望远镜的VLT光学干涉阵列——VLTI。

7.He said China was wilpng to work with Tajikistan to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and push forward bilateral ties.中方愿与塔方共同努力,深化互利合作,推动两国关系向前发展。

8.We just took a man with no brain out of Texas, put him in the White House, and now half the country is looking for work.我们能在德克萨斯找到一个没有大脑的人,把他送进白宫;现在,我们半个国家都在找工作。

9.The team is good enough to start winning games. It's a difficult situation but we have to stick together and work hard to turn it around.这只球队[埃弗顿]很棒,足以控制比赛的开场。这对于我军来讲是个困难的开端,但是我们必须团结一致地去努力扭转局面!

10.His work didn't come up to that of his brother.他的工作赶不上他哥哥的。