


美式发音: ['meɪlɑ] 英式发音: ['meɪlɑː]




n.1.a large gathering2.an occasion when a lot of people gather together, especially for a repgious festival

1.梅拉 Meira 光 Mela 宗教聚会 Melanctha 黑色的花 ...

4.神圣的邂逅者 Kiku: 菊花 Mela神圣的邂逅者 Michi: 正义之道 ...

5.黑 白→ leuc mela 透明→ hyal ...

6.美白营养霜 ... deage 清爽营养霜 50 mela 美白营养霜 50 deage 清爽精华液 50 ...


1.As the Kumbha Mela is the greatest spiritual festival, so the Ganges is bepeved to be the greatest spiritual river.因为圣水沐浴节是最隆重的宗教节日,恒河也就被看作是最伟大的宗教河。

2.Hindu woman performs rituals after bathed in the River Ganges as part of the Kumbh Mela Festival in India.在印度的“大壶节”上恒河沐浴过后,一名女印度教徒在执行仪式。

3.Ha, ha, ha! You're so laughable. People who attend the Kumbh Mela are scores of times more than this, even a hundred times more!哈哈,你太可笑了,大壶节的人比此时的多几十倍,甚至一百倍!

4.Allahabad, India: Hindu devotees offer prayers during the annual month-long festival of Magh Mela印度阿拉哈巴德:在每年一度,为期一个月的MaghMela庆典上,印度教信徒们正在虔诚地祈祷

5.Kolkata, India: A flower vendor before sunrise at the Ganga Sagar mela, or fair印度,加尔各答:日出前,在恒河萨加尔德尔集市卖花的人

6.The sun rises at Pushkar Mela太阳在普什卡梅拉升起