


美式发音: [ˈðɪðər] 英式发音: [ˈðɪðə(r)]






1.到那里;向那里to or towards that place



adv.1.an old word meaningto that placeorin that direction

1.向那里 hither 向这里 thither 向那里 ex-soldier 退伍军人 ...

2.到那里 thistle 蓟 thither 到那里 thorn 刺 ...

3.对岸的 conjuring n. 魔术 99 thither a. 对岸的, 那边的; Dane n. 丹麦人 103 ...

4.那边的 conjuring n. 魔术 99 thither a. 对岸的, 那边的; Dane n. 丹麦人 103 ...

5.向哪里 ... conjuring n. 魔术 thither adv. 向哪里 slack adj. 涣散的 ...


1.He did not seek him; he saw him; his eyes went thither naturally, as though they had known beforehand where that figure was.马德兰并不曾寻找他,却又一下就看见了他。他的眼睛不期然而然地望到了那里,仿佛他事先早知道了那人所在的地方。

2.And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.耶稣说,尸首在那里,鹰也必聚在那里。

3.Haste thee, escape thither ; for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither . Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.你要速速地逃到那城。因为你还没有到那里,我不能作什么。因此那城名叫琐珥(琐珥就是小的意思)。

4.Without her, they would have felt pke straws in the wind, to be blown hither and thither at random .没有她,她们就会感到自己是风中稻草,被吹得不知去向。

5.As the place is worth looking at, no one goes thither. Hardly one cart or wagoner passes in a quarter of an hour.由于这地方很值得一看,便谁也不来看这地方。一刻钟里难得有一辆小车和一个车夫走过。

6.But there was one year when the sound of a flute penetrated thither.可是有一年,有个人的笛声却飞进去了。

7.Also the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, saying, Thou also shalt not go in thither.耶和华为你们的缘故也向我发怒,说,你必不得进入那地。

8.And OVER her grave, the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument.而她必将带到坟墓中去的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。

9.How the print of a foot came thither, I knew not, nor could in the last imagine.那脚印是怎么留在那儿的,我既不知道,也丝毫猜不出。

10.The Bismarck was still four hundred miles from Brest, and no longer even able to steer thither.“俾斯麦”号离布雷斯特仍然有四百英里,它甚至连这么远也行驶不了。