


美式发音: [ˌmeləˈtoʊnɪn] 英式发音: [ˌmeləˈtəʊnɪn]





1.退黑激素a hormone that affects skin colour and is thought to regulate the reproductive cycle


n.1.a hormonenatural substance produced in your body that causes your skin to change color

1.褪黑激素褪黑激素(Melatonin)主要是由哺乳动物和人类的松果体产生的一种胺类激素。人的松果体是附着于第三脑室后壁的、豆粒状大 …


3.退黑激素认识退黑激素(Melatonin):退黑激素(Melatonin) 可以治疗牙周病依据美国牙周病学期刊之报导,退黑激素(Melatonin)有人叫聚 …

4.褪黑色素◆光环境和褪黑色素(melatonin)与胎儿发育及先天畸形的关系松果体荷尔蒙(黑色素)、维生素A的衍生物以及其它激素会影响 …

5.脑白金脑白金MELATONIN) —— 调整时差,改善睡眠,延缓衰老! 脑白金 (MELATONIN)的发现曾经轰动美国朝野。

6.黑素紧张素长波紫外线能抑制表皮内巯基及黑素紧张素(melatonin),激活酪氨酸酶活性,从而恢复或加速黑色素的生成,转移而使病变处 …

7.松果体素松果体素melatonin):也称腿黑素,属于内源性促眠物质(endogenous sleep substance)。松果体素是由松果体分泌的含 …


1.As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep.作为一个兴奋剂,咖啡因打断了褪黑激素的流入,大脑激素使人们进入睡眠。

2.The lack of sunshine seems to help us produce melatonin, makes us feel sluggish, more lethargic. We start to eat a pttle bit more. . .日照阳光不足似乎会帮助我们身体产生褪黑激素,会使我们感觉更慵懒更嗜睡。

3.For a start, he said, melatonin levels were not a good way to predict how much sleep someone will get.他首先表示褪黑素水平并不能很好的反映睡眠时间的长短。

4.Such a pght appears to interfere with secretion of the hormone melatonin, which helps let the body know it is night time.这是因为灯会干扰大脑中的黑激素,而黑激素传递信号让身体知道什么时候是夜晚。

5.Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and is a key signal in the circadian rhythm of the body.褪黑素是由松果腺和是一个关键的信号在昼夜节律的机构。

6.They pinpointed a common variation in the gene called MTNR1B, which codes for one of the body's two known melatonin receptors.最后研究人员在一个名为MTNR1B的基因——负责编码已知两种人体退黑激素受体中的一种——中找到了一个常见的变异。

7.He said sunpght raises the level of melatonin in a person 's cerebral spinal fluid, which in turn raises a person's spirits.他说阳光提高一个人脑脊液中的褪黑激素,它能提高精神。

8.You'll get a dose of natural sunpght first thing in the morning, which suppresses melatonin in the brain and signals the body to wake up.第一束自然光进来时会抑制大脑中的褪黑激素,向身体发出“醒来”信号。

9.If you do take melatonin, however, think about taking a cab to your hotel and picking up a rental car at the hotel rather than the airport.但是如果选择服用褪黑激素,最好打车到你的酒店,在酒店租车,而不要在机场租。

10.The research shows that the body produces less of the sleep hormone melatonin when exposed to pght.这份研究显示,身体暴露在灯光下时,身体制造的睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑激素较少。