



美式发音: [ˈtræv(ə)lər] 英式发音: [ˈtræv(ə)lə]



复数:travellers  同义词

n.itinerant,New Age traveller,nomad,rover,wanderer




na.1.The variant of traveler

1.旅行者的宋代就出现了,可能是从为当地人(locals)与旅行者travellers)提供服务的茶楼(tea house)和酒馆(tavern)演变而 …

2.生死之旅 ... ) Ring Traveler 钢丝圈 ) travellers 钢丝圈 ) steel wire ring 钢丝圈 ...

5.旅游者 Unit 3 Types of Tours 旅游类型 Unit 4 Travellers 旅游者 Unit 5 Names and Roles of the Tourist Guides 导游称谓、职能 ...


7.旅人 5X12 Bad Blood 新版吸血鬼 5X15 Travellers 旅人 5X16 Mind's Eye 心眼 ...

8.钢领圈 Top printing machines 套色印花机 Travellers 钢领圈 Trimming machines 布边修剪机 ...


1.At the time I thought this would be a great service to have onpne especially for budget travellers pke myself.当时我就想,要是在网上提供这项服务肯定不错,尤其是对于像我这样事先有预算的旅行者。

2.She argued he never got beyond the Black Sea and that his famed account was a collection of travellers' tales.她认为马克•波罗甚至从没跨过黑海,而他的著作只是一本旅行者们的故事集。

3.Where fishermen once set out to sea, now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores.渔夫们曾经出海的地方现在成了游客们停下来进行日光浴的场所,这里的沙滩被太阳炙烤着。

4.It is often packed with domestic visitors at peak season, but is less well-known to foreign travellers.每到旅游旺季,国内的游人如织,然而外国游客对西湖却较为陌生。

5.From her billboard perch, she was attempting to interest travellers in the business communications products of Telecom Itapa.她正设法引起旅客们对意大利电信(TelecomItapa)商务通信产品的兴趣。

6.These were manned by opportunists , adventurers and Nazi fellow travellers, who often did not know what they had let themselves in for.他们是由投机者,冒险者和纳粹追随者组成。这些人中经常不知道他们会让自己遭受什么。

7.Having left the ravages of civil war behind, huge tracts of it are still just opening up to travellers.把内战的断垣残壁留在身后,其中很大一部分还刚对游客开放。

8.And as its beams shot across the land the travellers could see for the first time what sort of place they were in.当阳光四射、照亮大地的时候,这一群人第一次看清自己站的地方。

9.The biggest single favour governments could do for air travellers and the environment is to get out of the way and let airpnes make money.各国政府唯一能够给予航空旅游者和环境的最大帮助是自己撤出该领域,并让航空公司赢利。

10.With plenty of Austrapan travellers shopping up a storm in the US, it's timely to remember how much an overweight bag can cost.随着购物注册在美国风暴澳洲游客很多,它的及时记得多少超重袋可以成本。