




1.希腊文 Laurel - 月桂, 象征着胜利 Melly,Melanie- 希腊文,黑发的 Vera- 生命 ...

2.魅黧 ... 洛神 lory 魅黧 melly 尚丽 shinny ...

3.梅里 ... Yvonne 伊温妮 Melly 梅里(译音:美丽) Lisana 丽莎娜 ...


1."I'll be along in just a minute, Melly, " Nora said as she went to the front door. " I dropped one of my gloves. "“我想单独待一会,梅利,”劳拉说着就走到了前门。“我掉了一只手套。”

2."What shall I do? " she asked Melly. "I cannot stay and I do not wish to leave! "“我能做什么呢?”她问梅利。“我不能待下去了,我也不想离开这里!”

3.He held out his hand to Melly, smiling at her so charmingly that she didn't even think of Nora as she let him lead her onto the dance floor.他手伸向梅利,对她娇媚微笑,没有考虑劳拉,她让他领她进舞池。

4.It was at all for revenge, Melly, all the sweet things he said to me.梅利,他对我所说的一切甜美的事,都只是为了报复。

5.Melly knew how it would be-Melly knew him far better than I do. That's why she said look after him and Beau, in the same breath.媚兰知道事情会这样的----媚兰对他的了解比我深得多,所以她才同时要求我照顾和他小博呢。

6.But you know that I could not become serious about such a man, Melly.可是你知道我对那样的男人不可能会是认真的,梅利。

7.Melly had implied that this man Summerville had been intimate with Nora.梅利暗示索姆威勒那个家伙已经和劳拉很亲密了。

8.He waylaid Melly at the back porch a few days later and asked pointedly if she'd heard from Nora.几天后,在后面的长廊里,他拦住了梅利,直截了当问她是否有劳拉的消息。

9.Melly wrapped her arms around the older woman. "The snake, " she muttered. "How could he be so cruel! "梅利伸出胳膊抱着劳拉。“毒蛇,”她嘟囔着。“他太残酷了!”

10.While he was absorbing that unpleasant blow, she climbed out of the buggy and ran to Melly and climbed swiftly into the other buggy.他还在凝思那不兴的打击,她已经下了马车,跑到梅利那里,敏捷蹬上了另外一辆马车。