



美式发音: [ˈmɑləsk] 英式发音: [ˈmɒləsk]






n.1.Same as mollusc2.an animal that has a soft body with no bones and is usually covered by a hard shell, for example a snail or an octopus

1.软体动物 molluscs 软体动物类 mollusks 软体动物类 molt 换羽 ...

3.贝类 败类 scum of a community;degenerate 贝类 shellfish;mollusks 部类 category;division ...

4.软体动物门 Champagne / 香槟 Mollusks (壳类海鲜) Simple young Chablis 简易型浅龄夏布利白 …

6.软体类介壳类亦可分为两种(1)软体类(mollusks),含有硬壳,如牡蛎、海扇贝、蚌类及蛤类;(2)甲壳类(crustaceans),含有角状的外壳,如龙 …

7.软体类水产湿度计(Moisture Meters):北美湿度计买家,Moisture Meters采购商询盘 软体类水产(Mollusks):北美软体类水产买家,Mollusks …


1.Mollusks have to divide antennae, eyes, and the balance for the seizure of olfactory capsule, and other sensory organ, I feel sensitive.软体动物已分化出触角、眼、嗅检器及平衡囊等感觉器官,感觉灵敏。

2.Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice.男孩是由爱捣乱的两栖动物、懒惰的软体动物和活泼的小狗组成的,而女孩是由糖、香料和其他一切美好的事物所组成的。

3.They creep along the seabed, their whisker vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.牠们沿海底爬行,用胡子般的触须探测海床,搜寻埋在底下的管状软体动物。

4.veliger Second stage in larval life of certain mollusks, developed from a trochophore, where the head bears a velum .面盘幼虫某些软体动物幼虫生活史的第二个阶段,从担轮幼虫发育,在头部有一个盖膜。

5.This species prefers to stay near reefs or sandy shallows where they dig crustaceans and mollusks out of the substrate.它们喜欢待在礁石附近或者沙质的浅滩,因为在那里又很多的甲壳类动物和软体动物可以被挖出来,供它们大快朵颐。

6.One of the paired, hinged shells of certain mollusks and of brachiopods.某些软体动物或鳃足动物的成对的、铰接开合的贝壳之一

7.The peak experience of a subway, had come to realize that people are mollusks . . . . . .高峰期感受了一把地铁,才知道原来人是软体动物……

8.The biggest category of Japanese seafood imports into the U. S. comprised mollusks, squid and octopus, totaling $85 million.美国进口日本海鲜最大的类别包括贝类、鱿鱼和章鱼,总计达8,500万美元。

9.They have long muscular tongues with which they scoop mollusks and lesser amphibians from the Naboo swamps.长舌肌肉发达,便于从纳布的沼泽中挖掘软体动物和小型两栖动物。

10网址被屏蔽prising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug.有许多海生腹足软体动物组成,其成熟体没有外壳,通常其体形像蛞蝓。