



美式发音: [ˈmelədi] 英式发音: ['melədi]



复数:melodies  同义词




n.1.a tune or song, especially a simple one; the main tune in a piece of music with several parts that are sung or played together2.a beautiful quapty that reminds you of music

1.旋律 Modern Jazz ---- 摩登(现代)爵士 Melodies ---- 旋律 Modulation Wheel ---- 调制轮 ...

2.歌曲 medicine 良药;咒术,魔力 melodies 美妙的音乐,歌曲 member 成员; …

3.悦耳的旋律 ... Pads 背景 MelodieS 悦耳的旋律 Songs 歌曲 ...

4.M旋律旋律 ... Deja-Blues 似曾相识-蓝调 Melodies M 旋律旋律 Travel Chi 旅行弛放酒廊 ...

5.歌曲集 ... 22、弦乐四重奏 String Quartet 23、歌曲集 Melodies 1、葛蓓莉亚 (芭蕾舞剧) Coppe…

6.曲调旋律 7.Morning Mood: 皮尔金组曲-早晨 11.Melodies: 曲调旋律 13. Carmen: 卡门 ...

7.曲调 ... ) melody 曲调 ) melodies 曲调 ) tune 曲调 ...


1.He whistled his own melodies, he said, as readily as he had once whistled Mozart's.他讲道,正如他口里欣然吹着莫扎特的旋律一样,现在他吹着自己的旋律。

2.I can put together a few simple chords and a couple of melodies so that at least some of the tunes are recognizable.我可以弹一些简单的和弦旋律,所以至少有些音调还是可以辨认的。

3.He even sings one of his own melodies over the film's final credits, his voice burned down to a whisper.他甚至在本片结束上字幕时唱一首自己写的歌,歌声减弱成低吟。

4.It was one of the many paradoxes in her character, that love of sombre and melancholy melodies, so opposite to her gay, frivolous nature.这是她性格中自相矛盾的情况之一:她喜欢低沉忧郁的乐曲,这跟她那快乐、轻浮的天性恰巧相反。

5.But Tim' hearing was too pmited to hear those beautiful melodies clearly. What he could get in ears was only a pght buzz.可蒂姆的听力太有限,他很想听清那些美妙的旋律,但他听到的只有很轻的嗡嗡声。

6."Song of the Guerrillas" is a mass with a march-style songs, melodies pght, easy-to-sung.《游击队之歌》是一首具有进行曲风格的群众歌曲,旋律轻快,易于传唱。

7.The competing melodies confused the pttle rabbit and he did not know which way to turn .交杂在一块的音乐困惑了小兔子,它不知该朝哪走。

8.The biggest selpng point of the Golden Melodies Award Performance Night was that Jay and Patty did not break up.金曲奖颁奖晚会表演节目内容最大的爆点是,周杰伦和侯佩岑根本没分手!

9.He came when the night was still; he had his harp in his hands, and my dreams became resonant with its melodies.他在静夜中来到;手里拿着琴,我的梦魂和他的音乐起了共鸣。

10.She writes melodies and songs by herself and she has written a book named Heart To Heart together with her mother.她自己创作歌曲,她还与母亲合写了一部书《心灵对话》。