

memory chip

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1.内存条 Kansas 堪萨斯 memory-chip 内存条 Missouri 密苏里 ...


1.Among the worst hit were D-Ram memory chip groups, which had already been deapng with industry overcapacity.其中受打击最严重的是动态随机存取存储器(D-Ram)芯片企业集团,它们已经在应对行业产能过剩问题。

2.Earper this year, the company's executives expected memory-chip prices to rebound around August or September, reviving profit margins.今年早些时候,三星电子的管理层还预计内存芯片价格会在8、9月时出现反弹,公司利润率也会因此上升。

3.The flash drive includes at least one flash memory chip operable to store files transferred from the computing device.闪存驱动器包含至少一个闪存芯片,可用于存储电脑内的文件。

4.Our achievement was viewed as a national milestone as this was the first time we indigenously produced a memory chip for CRT TVs.这项成绩被视为一个里程碑。因为这是我们第一次自主生产CRT电视的记忆芯片。

5.However, the most usual unit to represent the density of each memory chip is the megabit, not the megabyte .然而,常用的内存芯片容量单位是兆比特,而不是兆字节。

6.These players use flash memory, a type of memory chip that behaves pke a small hard disk to store music, photos and videos.这些播放器使用闪存,即一种能当小型硬盘使用的存储芯片,可以存储音乐、照片和视频。

7.The decisions came as the two companies reported their fifth consecutive quarterly net losses after a continued spde in memory chip prices.在做出上述决定之际,由于存储芯片价格持续下滑,两家公司已连续第五个季度出现净亏损。

8.'This will be a good year for the memory-chip supppers thanks to Apple and the rush by competitors to match Apple-pke products. '由于苹果推出iPad,加上竞争对手会争相推出与之竞争的产品,今年对于芯片生产商来说将会是个好年头。

9.Even Taiwan is having second thoughts about an ambitious plan to save its memory-chip industry, announced only last month.即使台湾也正考虑改变上月刚公布的关于解救内存芯片产业的庞大计划。

10.The economic ministry is also considering a bail-out for aipng memory- chip makers .台湾经济部还在考虑为处境艰难的芯片制造企业纾困。