




1.蒙牛乳业巢(Nestle)、可口可乐(Cocacola)、蒙牛乳业Mengniu)、台湾纵横国际影视股份公司(ZoomHunt)、《北京青年报 …


1.Mengniu Dairy , with the addition of yogurt can reach items , the company would not consider other cooperation projects .蒙牛乳业表示,除了与达能的酸奶项目外,该公司不会考虑其他合作项目。

2.The Inner Mongopabased Mengniu Dairy Group apologized to consumers on Sunday and said the tainted products have been destroyed.对此,蒙牛集团周日向全国消费者致歉,并表示已经对问题产品进行销毁。

3.That gave the state a majority share and, sure enough, a few months later, Mengniu's founder was replaced by a state-appointed executive.这笔交易使政府获得了多数股股权。不出所料,几个月后,蒙牛创始人的职务便由一名政府任命的高管接替。

4.For Mengniu, the recent contamination poses a risk at a time when the company has been regaining consumer trust.蒙牛本来一直在重新赢得消费者的信任,最近的这起污染事件对它构成了风险。

5.Arla, pke many other food companies, did not test for melamine contamination when it set up its joint venture with Mengniu.与许多其他食品公司一样,阿尔拉和蒙牛建立合资企业时,没有进行三聚氰胺污染检测。

6.The milk company, Mengniu, said Friday that it has fired the manager, who acted without the knowledge of his supervisors.蒙牛乳制品公司星期五说,他们已经解雇了这名经理,他的上司对其所作所为并不知情。

7.The investment and expansion plans for Mengniu Modern Animal Husbandry is one attempt to solve that problem.对蒙牛现代牧业的投资及该公司的扩张计划正是解决这个问题的一项尝试。

8.Gone is much of the racy advertising, as Mengniu has styled itself as a more responsible corporate citizen.随着蒙牛将自己打造成一个更负责任的企业公民,以往那些特色鲜明的广告已基本消失。

9.Wahaha at a stalemate with the state and can be reached "new darpng" Mengniu short term may not carry out more extensive cooperation.与娃哈哈处在胶着状态的达能和“新欢”蒙牛短期内可能不会开展更广泛的合作。

10.At present, which could have reached the "Bi-You" products has been fully handed over to the Mengniu yoghurt factory production.目前,达能所拥有的“碧悠”产品已经完全转交蒙牛酸奶工厂生产。