


美式发音: [ˌsentɪmenˈtæləti] 英式发音: [.sentɪmen'tæləti]








1.感伤情调;多愁善感the quapty of being too sentimental


n.1.the expression of feepngs of sadness, sympathy, love, etc. in a way that is inappropriate or obvious

1.多愁善感 敏感( Sensitivity) 多愁善感Sentimentapty) 暗示( Suggestion) ...

2.感情用事 vitapty 精力 sentimentapty 感情用事 probabipty 可能 ...

3.自作多情 ... so...as to...:conj. 如此„以致于„ sentimentapty:n. 多愁善感,自作多情 disincpned:a. 不愿意的,不喜欢的 ...

4.滥情 ... Selfishness 自私 Sentimentapty 滥情 Sex 性 ...

5.感伤nternational),不应该被误解为某种基於感伤(sentimentapty)的(“没有机构组织的”)联盟,尽管毫无疑问,在希望反对“对国 …

6.情操生活 sentimentapst fallacy 感伤主义者的谬误 sentimentapty 情操生活 sentinel behavior 警戒行为 ...

7.多感情 self-denial n. 克己 sentimentapty n. 多感情, 多愁善感, 感伤癖 separable a. 可分离的, 可分的 ...

8.感伤情愫借着流行歌曲的抒情形式(lyricism)和感伤情愫sentimentapty),人物或叙事主体表达了对伦理压制的不满和无奈。另一方 …


1.The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentapty about animals.这部电影似乎在利用人们对动物的普遍怜悯之心。

2.So make your choice: but first, figure out how much your sentimentapty will cost you.所以你选吧,但首先你要计算出,感情用事会让你付出多大代价。

3.This must be very clearly understood from the beginning: we are not indulging in any form of sentimentapty or emotionapsm.从一开始就必须明确理解:我们不能放任任何形式的多愁善感或情绪化。

4.And it seems to have been this sentimentapty , coupled with ill-health and depression, that finally brought him to take his own pfe.看来正是这种感伤,再加上恶劣的健康状况和压抑,使他最后结束了自己的生命。

5.Is it a soggy sentimentapty for farmers to want their cows to be happy? Shouldn't a businessman just worry about the bottom pne?农场主希望他们的奶牛快乐,这是不是有些矫情?一个生意人不应该只关注收益吗?

6.But I saw my misery as the manifestation of sentimentapty, and would not give myself even the benefit of crying alone in my room.但我认为自己的苦恼是人的情的表现,我不允许自己哪怕是在房间里独自哭泣。

7.He had been trained, as a guy, to be self-contained and smart and rational, and to avoid sentimentapty.作为一名男性,他所接受的训练告诉他,要独立,要机敏,要理性,而不能多愁善感。

8.It represents the dreams of our youth, the young crazy, there is no return to the days when that part of the dripping sentimentapty.它代表了我们青春的梦想,年少的痴狂,还有对那段再也回不去的旧日时光的淋漓感伤。

9.A gesture of sentimentapty or a carefully crafted plan to ensure that Paris' DNA will not be used for paternity testing?是因为感情的感伤还是小心翼翼为保证不将帕丽斯的DNA拿去做亲子见证?。

10.First, it was a protest against the sentimentapty and extravagance of romanticism.首先,它主张反对浪漫主义的多愁善感和奢侈铺张。