




1.情绪当意识与心理—情绪mental-emotional)的组成因子(如欲求和恐惧——小我的主要驱动力)认同的时候,它就在这些成因中 …


1.the reordering of a number of your mental, emotional, subtle, and physical body fields.重新排序你许多精神、情感、精微和物质身体区域。

2.Identity as frequency is the sum total of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast as electronic pulsations.频率特性的总和就是你的身体、心理、情绪和如电子振动灵性身体播送。

3.The essence of these relationships is found superphysically, on the mental, emotional, and spiritual planes.而这些关系的本质被发现在超现实、在精神、情绪的,和精神上的平面上。

4.One needs to be extra careful in all respects of hygiene: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.一个人需要在个人保健的各个方面格外留心:身体的、精神的、情绪的、心灵的。

5.PSYCHIATRISTS diagnose, assess, treat and prevent human mental, emotional and behavioural disorders.神经病科医师诊断、评估和预防人们心理、情绪和行为异常。

6.Physical, mental, emotional, and social are all different dimensions of energy.身体、心理、情感和社交是精力的各个不同范畴。

7.The vibratory levels of sound affect mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies positively or negatively.振动的层次似乎影响到精神,情绪,物质和灵魂身体处于正面或者是负面性中。

8.What rewards-mental, emotional, physical-could you give yourself to create the new positive habits you desire?你能给自己什么样的精神、情感或物质方面的奖励,使你创造出你想要的新的积极的习惯来?

9.Surrender - the letting go of mental-emotional resistance to what is - also becomes a portal into the Unmanifested .托付(放弃思维-情绪对”是怎样“的反抗)也可以作为进入”未呈现的“的一个入口。

10.Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr point tofour main characteristics of energy: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.TonySchwartz和JimLoehr指出四个主要的能量特征:生理的,心理的,情感的和精神的。