


美式发音: [ʌn'ɪndʒəd] 英式发音: [ʌn'ɪndʒəd]








1.安然无恙;毫无损伤not hurt or injured in any way

They escaped from the crash uninjured.他们安然逃过了撞车事故。


adj.1.having sustained no injuries

1.没有受伤 我扭伤了腰。 I wrenched my waist. 没有受伤 uninjured 有复原希望 has no hope of recovery ...

2.未蒙损失的 uninhabited 无人居住的 uninjured 未蒙损失的 uninjurious 无害的 ...

3.未受伤的 Average;mediocre: 一般的;平庸的: Uninjured;safe: 未受伤的;安全的: Fairly healthy;well: 相当健康的;状况良好的: ...

4.没有伤 ... succeed: 成功 uninjured: 未受伤害的 dispatched: 派遣 ...

6.未受损伤的 uninhabitable 不适于居住的 uninjured 未受损伤的 unintelpgible 难理解的 ...


1.As the miners carried him through the parking lot, he reached out with his uninjured hand to touch the men who had saved him.在矿工们抬着他穿过停车场时,他伸出未受伤的那只手,碰了碰拯救他的矿工们。

2.Evidently, the wrong circuit was turned off and the workers were astounded to see this miracle as he came out uninjured.显然地,这个错误的回路停止了,当他毫发无伤的出来时,那些工程人员目睹此奇迹都惊讶不已。

3.If uninjured, be ready to assist rescue workers with information or labor.若未受伤,随时准备协助救难人员提供资讯或出力援救。

4.Constructed of MIL-SPEC webbing and stainless steel hardware, the Quick Strop provides a quick, safe means of hoisting uninjured personnel.由MIL-SPEC带子和不锈钢硬件制造,QuickStrop提供迅速吊起没有受损伤的人员,安全的方法。

5.Patients were independently reviewed, and the mean postoperative isotonic hamstring strength was compared with that on the uninjured side.患者均单独接受检查,损伤侧肢体的术后平均等张腘绳肌力将与对侧未损伤肢体进行对比研究。

6.Leaning against the wall behind her stood Job , apparently uninjured , but bruised and trembpng .乔布背靠着墙站在她身后,看样子没受什么伤,只是有些青肿,还在索索地发抖。

7.The injured students and uninjured students have no differences in their recognition of risk factors.受伤与未受伤学生风险因子认知中未具有显著性差异;

8.His mother , who was driving, was uninjured.他的母亲,驾驶,是未受伤害的。

9.The hearing soon reconvened, with an uninjured Rupert Murdoch concluding the session in shirt sleeves after the attack.听证会很快继续进行,默多克没有受伤,在袭击事件后直到听证会结束都穿着衬衫。

10.Reconstructed ear auricles were similar with uninjured sides in size and form, both doctors and patients were contented with the auricles.再造耳廓大小、外形与健侧相似,医患双方满意。