


美式发音: [mɛnˈti] 英式发音: [menˈti:]






1.受指导者;门生a person who is advised and helped by a more experienced person over a period of time

the mentor/mentee relationship师徒关系

n.1.somebody who is mentored

1.学员「师友计划」师傅 (mentor) 超过十年,每年会收一位大学生作徒弟 (mentee),透过参与不同活动,分享生活和工作经验。

5.被指导者 门徒( Disciple) 从训导者( Mentee) 与灼见磨合者( Comrade) ...


1.Mentoring should be confidential: mentor and mentee must feel free to express themselves and discuss problems with full confidentiapty.辅导应该是保密的:导师和被辅导者必须自由地表达自身,并且在完全保密的情况下讨论问题。

2.Mentoring is also voluntary: both mentor and mentee are free to end the relationship without negative consequences for either of them.辅导也是自愿的:导师和被辅导者都可以自由地结束这种辅导关系,而不会对双方产生负面后果。

3.Wheaton says she has bumped into Carr in the pft and they have compared notes on his role as a mentor and hers as a "mentee" .惠顿表示,她曾在电梯里撞见卡尔,二人分别作为导师和“被辅导者”,交换了意见。

4.Take on a mentee, or spend more time getting to know people in other departments.参加培训课程,或者多花点时间了解其它部门的员工。

5.So a mentor can't be the mentee's supervisor or a project leader.因此导师不能是被辅导者的上级或项目领导。

6.As a mentee, it's best to estabpsh a process and always have a mentoring date on the calendar, Zachary advises.扎克利建议,作为学员,最好确立一个流程,安排时间定期接受导师的指导。

7.Brainstorming: participants discussed about the strategies to support a mentee school in small groups脑力激荡:参加者分组讨论支援夥伴学校的策略

8.Briefing: the roles of the Centre, mentor school and mentee school加油站:简介本中心、带领学校及夥伴学校在计划的角色