




1.纳木错 边塞远景 outlook cafe 纳木错 namtso 楚布寺 tsupu ...

2.纳木措 边塞远景 outlook cafe 那木错 namtso 楚布寺 tsupu ...

4.那木措 ... 羊卓雍措 Yamdrok Yum Tso Lake 那木措 Namtso 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷 Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyo…

5.朗木错为了要转移他们的注意力,他改道到北部一个叫朗木错Namtso)的地方,那是一个观光点,仁波切装作观光客,当他回到拉 …


1.namtso kiss: in one of the world's most remote regions, a tibetan peasant dressed in animal skins attends to her grandson near namtso lake.纳木错之吻:这是世界上最偏远的地区之一,在西藏的纳木错河畔,一位身着兽皮的藏族农人正在悉心照看着自己的孙子。

2.Because a truck driver have promised to help them circumambulate Namtso.因为有一个大卡车司机答应拉着他们去转湖。

3.Moreover, on a piece of giant blue flagstone, The image of Namtso Goddess is seen clear.而且在一块巨大的青石板上纳木措女神像清晰可见。

4.A Tibetan monk was walking along the lakeside of Namtso Lake at sunset.晚霞中的纳木错,一位僧人在湖边散步。

5.At the same time, lamas of circumambulation Namtso have been reading six syllable prayer all along. . .而走向天湖的僧人们一直在唱颂六字真言。

6.In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake. "在藏语中,“纳木错”是“天上之湖”的意思。

7.By personapsing Namtso's pfe and death, Mr Green has conjured in the flesh an otherwise anonymous figure from Tibet's shadows.通过描写南措的生活及死亡,格林先生将一位本生活在西藏阴霾下的无名小卒的形象活生生的展现在世人面前。

8.Tashi Island , in the east of Namtso It is key time for building stupa today.天湖纳木措东边的扎西半岛今天,修塔到了关键的时候……

9.A 17-year-old nun, Kelsang Namtso, was killed and another man confirmed injured.17岁的尼姑格桑•南措被打死,另一个人受伤。

10.The second largest salt lake in China, Namtso Lake means "the Heavenly Lake" in the Tibetan language.作为中国第二大的盐水湖,纳木错在藏语中是圣湖的意思。