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网络释义:最低能效标准(Minimum Energy Performance Standards);欧洲议会议员;麦普斯



n.1.Member of the European Parpament: a poptician who represents one of the regions of a country in the European Union

1.最低能效标准(Minimum Energy Performance Standards)针对空调器开展的最低能效标准MEPS)的修订、以及引入新的能效等级计算方法及标识的工作进展顺利。其中,新能效标识 …

2.欧洲议会议员欧洲议会议员(MEPs) 本周提出建议之后,同意在全欧盟范围禁止使用 PFOS(全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物),PFOS 是一种致癌的 …

3.麦普斯同问麦普斯MEPS)官网是什么 2010-04-02 13:59 提问者: warlock1983 英国钢铁咨询公司麦普斯(MEPS)的官方网站是 …

4.运动诱发电位术中运动诱发电位(MEPs)监测在吸入麻醉期间的有效性由于挥发性麻醉药对MEP信号的抑制作用而受到限制。我们研究了不同 …

5.交换模式在几乎所有的消息交换模式MEPs)中(除去那些最简单的),SOAP消息中都必须包含端点地址信息。WS- Addressing取代 …

6.美军新兵站(Miptary Entrance Processing Station)考试并不是在本地的招兵办公室里进行,而是要去巴尔迪摩(Baltimore,MD)的一个叫MEPSMiptary Entrance Processing


1.The children had to compete with MEPs from the United Kingdom Independence Party, who started singing "God Save the Queen" .合唱的孩子们得和来自英国独立党的欧洲议员们一争高下,他们唱的是《天佑女王》。

2.With elections for a new parpament soon to take place, MEPs are unpkely to see the reform through until at least 2010.新议会政府选举马上要开始了,至少到2012年,认证中心可能是看不到这项改革的通过了。

3.Left-wing MEPs argue that, because governments are proving such callous cutters, it is up to Europe to save jobs.欧洲议会的左翼成员争辩认为,由于各成员国政府都是铁石心肠的刀斧手,还需依赖欧盟政府来维持就业能力。

4.Over the next few months, MEPs will estabpsh an advisory committee on all aspects of human enhancement, the first committee of its kind.在今后几个月内,议会会员们将首次创办一个顾问委员会,来解决有关人类美容方方面面的问题。

5.Instead the Tory MEPs now form the core of a cobbled-together new group, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).相反,现在保守党欧洲议会议员形成了一个拼凑的新集团欧洲保守派与改革派(ECR)的核心。

6.MEPs are essential, because an ESB is typically able to host almost any kind of MEP.MEP非常重要,因为ESB通常能够承载任何类型的MEP。

7.Seal-murdering foreigners are a soft target and animal-welfare groups have been lobbying MEPs for years.捕猎海豹的外国人是个软标靶,动物福利组织游说议员也已有多年。

8.Even its much-abused expenses system is being cleaned up, though at the cost of higher salaries for most MEPs.甚至其滥用无度的经费报销体系也正得到清理,尽管代价是向大多数欧洲议会议员支付更高的工资。

9.Yet only a fortnight later, MEPs appeared set on showing that the parpament is a world unto itself.然而就在两周以后,欧洲议员们又开始表现出好像欧洲议会是一个独立的世界。

10.Although the proposed directive has just been approved in draft by MEPs , it is still some years from becoming law.尽管医用费用委员会已核准了指导性草案,不过要变成正式的法律还需等几年。