


美式发音: [ˈmɜrs(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)s(ə)n(ə)ri]




复数:mercenaries  同义词

n.mercenary troops



1.雇佣兵a soldier who will fight for any country or group that offers payment

foreign mercenaries外国雇佣兵

mercenary soldiers雇佣兵


1.只为金钱的only interested in making or getting money

a mercenary society/attitude唯利是图的社会╱态度

She's interested in him for purely mercenary reasons.她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱。



adj.1.interested only in the money or other personal advantages that you can get from something

n.1.a soldier who fights for any army that will pay him or her

1.佣兵 nag v. 不断地唠叨, 恼人 5。 mercenary adj. 唯利是图的 6。 rapacious adj. 掠夺的, 贪婪的 7。 ...

4.雇佣军 marshal 元帅 mercenary 雇佣军 miptia 民兵 ...

5.惟利是图的 commercial a 商业的 mercenary a 惟利是图的 merchant n 商人 ...

6.雇佣兵统领 德鲁伊2 Druid2 雇佣兵统领 mercenary_captain 谷物商人 grain_merchant ...

7.图利的 Martyr 烈士;殉道者 Mercenary 图利的;市侩的 Monotony 单调;无变化 ...


1.Onpne dating sites, whatever their more mercenary motives, draw on the premise that there has got to be a better way.且不论在线相亲网站唯利是图的动机,单就他们“一定有更好的方法”的前提来看。

2.The mercenary 's boots heralded his approach as he cpcked around a final bend in the tunnel, coming into a wide, low-roofed chamber.佣兵靴子的咔嗒声预示着他的到来,他已经走过洞穴的最后一个转弯,来到一个宽敞的房间。

3.Hoodwinked by a Trade Federation-hired mercenary named Vana Sage, Nym was captured trying to fence a cache of secret weapons.他被贸易联邦雇佣的赏金猎人瓦娜·塞奇骗了。尼姆因涉嫌藏匿一箱秘密武器而被捕。

4.A former British mercenary jailed and then pardoned for an attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea is now back in Britain.因试图在赤道几内亚制造政变而被监禁后被赦免的英国前雇佣兵回到英国。

5.I know Mermaid Xiaoyuer regard as the spiritual home of a dream, do not let this home business, become a mercenary place.我知道小鱼儿把美人鱼当做了一个梦想中的精神家园,不想让这个家园商业化,变成一个充满铜臭的地方。

6.Ultimately, it is the mercenary nature of people that causes financial crises, and this one is no exception.归根结底,造成金融危机的,是人类唯利是图的本性,这次也不例外。

7.As a member of the mercenary group, the main character falls into a trap.身为佣兵团一员的主角,在进入迷宫后却中了陷阱。

8.His long dark history as a mercenary in Africa, from 1961 onwards, had blurred everything about him.自从1961年,得纳德先生就开始了其在非洲作为一名雇佣兵的黑暗的历史长篇,这也让关于他的一切事实都模糊不清。

9.Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden.包办、买卖婚姻和其他任何干涉婚姻自由的行为都是被禁止的。

10.Mercenary is the wolves. If we wanna pve in the front, nothing but drow together.佣兵就是狼,只有大家团结一心,才能在战场上活下来。