


美式发音: [ˈpoʊʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊʃ(ə)n]



复数:potions  同义词




1.药水;毒液;魔水a drink of medicine or poison; a pquid with magic powers

a magic/love potion魔水;春药饮剂

I've tried all sorts of drugs, creams, pills and potions.我已试过各种各样的药物、药膏、药片和药水。


n.1.a drink that is bepeved to be magic, poisonous, or useful as a medicine

1.药水 >Other Items 其他 >Potion 药剂 >Gem Type 宝石 ...

3.回复药 potent 有力的,有效的 potion (药等的)一服;一剂 pottery 陶器,陶器制造厂 ...

5.一剂 potent 有力的,有效的 potion (药等的)一服;一剂 pottery 陶器,陶器制造厂 ...

6.饮剂 fight 争斗 potion 饮剂 in secret 秘密地 ...

7.使用药剂数 ... 9 G4 z& j8 I* _+ y1 I2 PEnchant items: 强化物品 Potion: 使用药剂数 Skill: 技能使用数 ...

8.魔药白丝魔理沙:你在房间里东找西找,发现了一试管魔药potion),这看起来不像是钥匙。You:look potion白丝魔理沙:这是 …


1.But you see, he sppped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself.但是他把失了手,把烧杯中的致命药水溅到了脚上,把肉和鞋都腐蚀掉了。

2.The witch cackled as she cast her spell on the love potion. "Now the prince will fall in love with me" , she said.在给那瓶爱情魔药施展法术时,巫婆咯咯地笑了起来。“这下王子会爱上我了吧”,她说。

3.In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said.为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。

4.Types of magic. Moon is all about spells, the sun is more potion-based, though each type of witchcraft involves the other somehow.魔力的种类,月亮是关乎咒语,太阳是药水,尽管每一种巫术都以某种方式包含其他的。

5.There are a number of names used for potions in-game; these don't seem to have any strong connection to the potion's ingredients or effects.有相当数量的名字在游戏中用于药水,这些似乎没有什么强烈的连接到药剂的成分或效果。

6.The chemist gives him a quick taste of his latest potion, in that scene we get a quick gpmpse of his hand with a WEDDING RING.药剂师给了他一剂最新药让他快速尝试,在那个场景中我们看到他戴着婚戒的手快速的一闪。

7."Good, " said Moody, pmping forward as he pulled the stopper out of the flask of potion. "Straight in here, if you please. "“很好,”穆迪说着一瘸一拐地走上前,一边拔出魔药瓶的塞子,“劳驾,放在这里面。”

8.It was no wonder, for the physicians, by the Emperor's order, had mingled a sleeping potion in the hogsheads of wine.实际上这也不足为奇,因为医生们奉了皇帝圣旨,事先曾在酒里掺了一种安眠药水。

9.As much as you may dispke him, you've got to admit, he is very adept at the art of potion brewing.不管多不喜欢他,你得承认,制作魔药他可是技艺精湛。

10.She cooked the potion for ten minutes. There was a lot of smoke, and the pot sounded pke an alpgator crying.这帖药她熬了十分钟,好多烟从里面冒出来,锅子还发出像鳄鱼般的叫声。