




1.美利达 GIANT 捷安特 MERIDA 美利达 XDS 喜得盛 ...

2.梅里达 15. JOHNSON( 乔山健康科技)、 16. MERIDA美利达工业)、 18. GENIUS( 昆盈 …



1.Spain then took on Nigeria and Merida scored both goals in a 2-0 win to put his country in a strong position at the top of Group C.西班牙在第二场比赛中迎战尼日利亚,梅里达在比赛中打进唯一的两个进球,帮助他的球队2:0获胜,这让西班牙在C小组处于一个强势的地位。

2.Can Fran Merida be as good as you in a few years time?梅里达和几年前的你一样棒吗?

3.Unfortunately we have lost Fran Merida who got kicked straight away when he came on [at Bolton] and his ankle was very bad today.不幸的是,我们失去了梅里达,他(在客场对博尔顿时)一上场就挨踢,今天他的脚踝情况很糟糕。

4.There is a fear Merida, 17, may not be mobile enough or quick enough and he seems set to be shipped out, possibly back to Spain.有一种担心17岁的梅里达可能适用位置不够广和不够快速,他看起来已准备要被出让,有可能是返回西班牙。

5.She was transferred to a larger hospital in Merida where she stayed for many weeks.她被转至梅里达一所较大的医院住了许多个星期。

6.Juan pves with his parents, four younger brothers and two younger sisters in a small village outside Merida in Mexico.Juan同父母、四个弟弟及两个妹妹一起住在墨西哥梅里达外的一个小村镇里。

7.I would say players pke Fran Merida and a lot of the French players from the young side are coming though.我个人认为小妖里象:梅里达以及很多青年队法国球员都有希望。

8.Merida joined Arsenal in 2006 and rose through the ranks to challenge for a first-team place last season.梅里达2006年加入阿森纳俱乐部,上个赛季这位小将已经可以竞争一线队的位置。

9.You thought which one, GIANT and MERIDA the bicycle to be better?你认为捷安特和美利达哪个牌子的自行车更好?

10.The researchers looked at two cities in southeast Mexico, Merida and Chetumal, tracking the spread of dengue virus.这组科学家研究了墨西哥东南部的两个城市梅里达和切图马尔,追踪了登革热的传播。