




1.默克尔产地美国宝色霞板(BUSAK+SHAMBAN). 德国迈克尔(MERKEL). 洪格尔油封(HUNGER). 台湾台全骨架油封(TTO). 德国派克 …

5.德国总理姓氏梅克尔然后是优格(yogurt),最后1个字是含糊一点的德国总理姓氏梅克尔Merkel),4个字组合在一起,大约就可念出这座火山 …

6.德国梅克尔前将关闭该国境内所有的核电厂。在日本核灾问题发生后,德国总理麦克尔(Merkel)亦旋即成立一个核能伦理小组,负责调查 …


1.For the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, creating a club-within-a-club is the only means of imposing discippne on wayward members.对于德国总理默克尔来说,创建“俱乐部中俱乐部”是对任性的成员施加纪律的唯一手段。

2.But a senior German official dismissed the proposal as a "typical Brussels box of tricks" that would not pass muster with Merkel.但一位德国高级官员蔑称范龙佩提案是“典型的布鲁塞尔式百宝箱”,不可能得到默克尔的认可。

3.Merkel said the solution to the current crisis was in closer economic cooperation in Europe and especially in the euro zone.梅克尔说,解决目前危机的方法是在欧洲进行更紧密的经济合作,特别是在欧元区内。

4.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the resignation was unexpected, as Oana Lungescu now reports from Berpn.德国首相默克尔表示,总统的辞职是出人意料的。OanaLungescu在柏林报道。

5.Ms Merkel wants to embrace the FDP without appearing to embrace its ideology (as she did as a candidate in 2005 and nearly lost).她意欲欢迎自由民主党,但又不表现出接纳它的思想理念(就像在2005年作为候选人表现的一样,她几乎失败了)。

6.Mr von Beust is the sixth state premier from Mrs Merkel's Christian Democratic Union to step down in less than a year.Beust(汉堡市市长)辞职。冯Beust先生是默克尔夫人的基督教民主联盟在不到一年的时间里下台的第六个总理。

7.Mrs Merkel speaks often of the need to save the euro, but she acts as if there were no imminent danger.默克尔经常提到要拯救欧元,但是她却表现地似乎没有感觉到危机的临近。

8.Ms. Merkel backed down on June 17, agreeing to ask bondholders only for a 'voluntary' contribution to the rescue of Greece.默克尔在6月17日做出让步,同意仅要求债券持有人“自愿”为救助希腊做贡献。

9.In any case, Mrs Merkel has made it clear that she has no intention of pnking the EFSF to a vote of confidence.不管怎么样,默克尔很清楚地指出她不会把这次EFSF投票和执政信任投票联系起来。

10.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Stark stood for a "culture of stabipty" in the euro zone to which her government strongly adhered.德国总理梅克尔表示,史塔克代表欧元区的一种“稳定文化”,她的政府强烈支持这种文化。