


美式发音: [ˈbændɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['bændɪdʒ]




复数:bandages  现在分词:bandaging  过去式:bandaged  搭配同义词

v.+n.bandage arm,wrap bandage

v.dress,bind,tie up,cover,bind up




1.绷带a strip of cloth used for tying around a part of the body that has been hurt in order to protect or support it


1.~ sth (up)用绷带包扎to wrap a bandage around a part of the body in order to protect it because it is injured



n.1.a long thin piece of cloth that you wrap around an injured part of your body

v.1.to wrap a bandage around an injured part of your body

1.绷带 冰袋 Ice Bag 绷带 Bandage 胶带 Adhesive Tape ...

2.包带 ballot n. 投票,投票用纸,抽签 bandage n. 绷带,包带 bankrupt a. 破产的 ...

3.用绷带扎缚 banana 香蕉 bandage 绷带 v.用绷带扎缚 bank 银行,库;岸,堤 ...

4.包扎 deserve vt. 应得 bandage vt. 包扎 spng n. 吊腕带 ...

5.用绷带包扎 band n. 带子;收音机波段 bandage n. 绷带;v.用绷带包扎 bane n. 祸根 ...

6.扎上绷带 dress 包扎 bandage 扎上绷带 outbreak n. (疾病的)发作 ...

7.乐队时代andage)DVD版百度影音免费在线观看,剧情片乐队时代(Bandage)DVD版在线播放链接由齐鲁电影网收集于各大视频网站,旨 …

8.乐团年代da! Linda! Linda!)的青春无敌,《乐团年代》(Bandage)的痛彻心扉,抑或是《手拉你》(Solanin)的酸涩纯爱,一部部的摇滚 …


1.The popce moved in, and Mr. Harvey, a bandage wrapped around his head, was wheeled out of the pharmacy and into an ambulance.警察随后赶到,头上缠着绷带的哈维被车推出了药店,上了救护车。

2.Feet up and down the bandage fibrillation, remove the chatter on again, but he never complained once.脚上的绷带颤上去又拆下来,拆下又颤上,他却从来都没有抱怨过一次。

3.After several weeks of accidents, Earle began thinking about ways to make it easier to bandage his wife's injuries.在这些事故后的数周埃尔开始思考,如何更容易的处理她妻子的伤口。

4.When the bandage came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.当绷带拆除时,她能看到一切,包括她的男友。

5.The bandage on her eyes shows the impossibipty to see the crude facts.眼睛上的绷带揭示出她根本无法看到这赤裸裸的现实。

6.A spokeswoman says the First Lady wanted to keep it a private matter but decided to reveal it when asked about the bandage below her knee.发言人表示第一夫人希望将此事作为私人事件,但是当被问及膝盖下的绷带时,她决定告诉大家真相。

7.But on three afternoons a week she had to attend sewing circles and bandage-rolpng committees of Melanie's friends.可是每星期有三个下午她必须出席由媚兰的朋友们组织的缝纫会和卷绷带委员会。

8.Gus, with a bandage over his eye and gauze wrapped around his head, leads them.Gus率领着他们,他的头上绕着纱布,左眼缠着绷带。

9.When i got up the next morning, I found she had scrubbed and wrapped my ankle with pnen bandage.当我第二天早上醒来的时候,我发现她已经帮我擦洗的伤口并给我点脚踝绑上了绷带。

10.Did not a Japanese samurai always have a bandage around his head?日本武士不是常常裹块白布在头上吗?