


美式发音: [mərˈloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)ləʊ]



n.1.a type of red wine

1.梅洛⒌ 梅洛MERLOT)是波尔多的圣埃米隆和波姆罗勒地区制RED WINE的主要品种,由于鞣酸温和口感柔滑,所以入口后有一 …

2.美乐美乐MerLot) logo /名片 设计悬赏¥200.00已托管:¥200.00 交易完成 参与时间 能力等级 全部 中标(2) 备选(10) xzxz 0个 …

3.梅乐梅乐merlot)被誉为红葡萄的公主,温柔乖巧,也是最受欢迎的红葡萄品种。它早熟,鲜嫩且多产,单宁含量低,果味丰郁, …


5.美露己点了一杯美露(Merlot),这是原产于法国波尔多地区的一种葡萄酒,又译为“梅鹿”。 第二集 Bodington这是一种英国啤酒品牌…

6.梅洛葡萄  以梅洛葡萄(Merlot)为主,有红樱桃的香甜好闻的味道,入口后果香充沛,丁点香料味在旁提醒味蕾这只酒的劲道,是非常够味 …


1.Perhaps one of her finds was the pointed on-trend merlot velvet pair she wore to the 7th annual CFDA awards that very night.而她在出席今年CFDA的典礼时所穿的那双天鹅绒露趾鞋或许就是“战利品”之一。

2.Take a geek cruise to kill kobolds in the Caribbean, or to talk Macs over Merlot as I cruise up the Pacific coast.乘坐极客巡洋舰去加勒比杀怪,或者在太平洋海岸巡航的时候边喝Merlot边聊macs

3.Pay that's for sure, you can use in the radiation is certainly Cream, referrals house Merlot, and naturally soothing, easy to use.补水这是肯定的,在就是肯定要用可以抗辐射的隔离霜,引荐家美乐的,自然不抚慰,很好用。

4.The premium Fish Rock, Austrapan Merlot is a sweet style wine. It has an intense purple crimson hue with a blackcurrant fruit nose.菲殊洛特级澳大利亚美乐甜葡萄酒呈深紫红色,有黑加仑芳香。

5.In another first for an HP business notebook, buyers will be able to add a color finish -- "merlot" -- if they choose.该系列中另一个惠普商务本新特色是,用户可以选择对笔记本外壳进行色彩处理,添加“merlot”葡萄酒红色。

6.The team filled up small cypnders in a range of sizes with different volumes of a cheap merlot, then set them spinning.这个团队用不同体积的廉价梅洛装满了大小一定范围内的小圆筒,然后使它们旋转。

7.A classic blend of the noble grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from some of Western Austrapa's most exceptional vineyard sites.一款典型来自西澳大利亚卓越葡萄园的经典赤霞珠和美乐的混合品种。

8.From one of the top Chateau in Bordeaux, a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, aged in French barrels.来自波尔多的顶级酒庄之一,由梅鹿,赤霞珠,品丽珠酿造而成,在法国橡木桶中成熟。

9.Merlot vines on pmestone soil produce rich, round wines with an attractive silkiness and a long aftertaste.根植于石灰岩土壤中的美乐葡萄散发出迷人香味,口感圆润,入口如丝般顺滑,回味悠远绵长。

10.Smoothing as the diving into the sea, this Austrapan Merlot is a deeper, brilpant red.这款梅洛葡萄酒口感平滑顺口,色泽为明亮的深红色。