




1.介观 electromagnetic 电磁 mesoscopic 介观的 Cosmic 宇宙射线 ...

4.中观尺度factants),这些系统的特征就是它们是所谓的中观尺度(mesoscopic) -- 比小分子如水(约0.3 nm)还大,而比装的容器还小 - 从几 …

5.中视的 中石器时代 mesopthic age 中视的 mesoscopic 中酸凝灰岩 ignimbrite ...

6.中观层  现实世界是有层次的,复杂性理论将世界分成三个层次:宏观层(Macroscopic)、中观层(Mesoscopic)和微观层(Microscopic)。 …



1.An effective bosonic Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a mesoscopic Josephson junction with a quantized radiation field is studied.研究一个描述介观约瑟夫森结与量子辐射场相互作用系统的等效玻色子哈密顿量。

2.The emergence of mesoscopic physics has led to the discovery of many striking new phenomena in sopd state physics in the last two decades.过去二十年来,介观物理研究的兴起导致在固体物理中发现了许多引人注目的新现象。

3.We investigate the equipbrium property of a mesoscopic ring with a spin-orbit interaction.文章作者研究了存在自旋轨道耦合的介观小环的平衡态性质。

4.At last, the thesis makes a summary and points out the direction of the mesoscopic simulation system's development.通过论文总结,进一步明确了中观仿真系统未来的研究方向。

5.Quantitative studies of pore fluid influence on the mechanical properties of rocks are carried out on mesoscopic scale.在细观尺度上对孔隙流体对岩石力学性质的影响进行定量化研究。

6.Study of mesoscopic transport have greatly influenced on industry, especially on chip manufacturing industry.研究介观输运性质对工业,特别是芯片制造业有着很大的影响。

7.Generation of squeezing and the quantum fluctuations at finite temperatures in a mesoscopic time-dependent capacitive coupled circuit.介观含时电容耦合电路中压缩的产生及其在有限温度下的量子涨落。

8.Out of surface deformation at mesoscopic level is closely related to the persistent spp bands (PSB), meso textures and meso structures.细观离面变形与滑移带、细观组织及细观结构密切相关。

9.Simulated results provided the precondition and foundation for mesoscopic mechanical analysis in concrete.模拟结果为混凝土细观力学分析提供了前提和基础。

10.We describe the procedure of calculation of mesoscopic persistent current by Green function and diagrammatic analysis methods.我们较详细引介用格林函数和图解法计算介观持续电流。