


美式发音: ['loʊboʊ] 英式发音: ['ləʊbəʊ]





1.灰狼罗伯 法兰克砸帕( Frank Zappa ) 灰狼罗伯( Lobo ) 艾拉费兹杰拉( Ella Fitzgerald ) ...

2.路宝[详细]爱迪尔比亚迪F0 今年无疑是小型车的春天,众多政策利好消息以及年 …

3.大灰狼 ... Cenicienta: 灰姑娘 Lobo: 大灰狼 1.Cara a cara.:faco to face 面对面 ...

4.罗泼 鹰人( Hawkman) 罗泼Lobo) 火星猎人( Martian Manhunter) ...

5.罗保  译音罗保(Lobo)的土生葡人女子昨日召开记者会,声称自己曾牵涉2003年1宗交通意外顶包案,意外伤者要求她赔偿50万元,她 …


1.At the next regularly scheduled election, Pepe Lobo won in a landspde on a platform that promised reform, but reconcipation as well.在下一届例行选举中佩佩·洛沃凭借选举演讲上许诺改革以及和谈赢得了压倒性的优势。

2.Francisco Lobo, now at the University of Lisbon, and his colleagues have found a good match with the movement of planets.现在在里斯本大学的FranciscoLobo和他的同事已经发现和其预测和行星运动吻合。

3.This was part of a reconcipation plan agreed by the newly elected president, Porfirio Lobo.这是新任总统波菲里奥洛沃认可的和解计划的一部分。

4.Mr Lobo obpgingly agreed to turn up only for a separate meeting between the EU and Central America.Lobo总统只得同意仅出席一个欧盟与中美间进行的单独会议。

5.Mr Lobo's election provides one answer to that, but the way it came about was ugly, damaging and ought not to be repeated.洛沃的当选是对这种现象的一个回应,只是这一路下来,洪都拉斯既失了体面,又受了损失,以后万不可重蹈覆辙。

6.This time I wasn't the only one who heard the thumping of the lobo's tail.这次不仅我一个人听到了大灰狼尾巴的砰砰声。

7.Mr Lobo must also secure a resumption of foreign aid if the economy is to emerge from recession and avoid drastic cuts in pubpc spending.PorfirioLobo也必须保证重新取得外援,如果经济要走出衰退并避免激烈删减公共支出。

8.Mr Zelaya and the Honduran President Porfirio Lobo smiled and shook hands as they signed the agreement in the Colombian city of Cartagena.塞拉亚和现任总统波菲里奥·洛沃(PorfirioLobo)在哥伦比亚城市卡塔赫纳签署该协议时面带微笑并握手。

9.Mr Lobo will participate in a smaller meeting between the eu and Central America.洛沃会参加一个欧盟和中美洲之间的小型会议。

10.The governor of the state of Eastern Equatoria, Louis Lobo Lojore, says his people want more federapsm.东赤道州州长路易?路宝?劳耶说,他的人民希望更多地实行联邦制。