



美式发音: [ˈmitər] 英式发音: [ˈmiːtə(r)]




复数:meters  现在分词:metering  过去式:metered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.square meter,cubic meter

v.+n.use meter





n.1.<AmE>Same as metre2.a piece of equipment for measuring how much of something such as gas, electricity, or water you have used3.a parking meter4.a unit for measuring length in the metric system, containing 100 centimeters5.the patterns of sounds and rhythms in poetry1.<AmE>Same as metre2.a piece of equipment for measuring how much of something such as gas, electricity, or water you have used3.a parking meter4.a unit for measuring length in the metric system, containing 100 centimeters5.the patterns of sounds and rhythms in poetry

v.1.to measure something with a meter, especially the amount of gas, electricity, or water that someone uses in their house

1.米 千米 kilometers meters 英里 miles ...

2.公尺 instrument 设备 meters 表,仪表 cabinet 橱柜 ...

4.电表 ;IMAGE PATH MODIFIERS; 图像路径改性剂 ;METERS; 电表 ;DAY 2; 第2 …

5.万米 纱(吨)( ton) 布(万米)( 10000 meters) 针棉织品折用纱线(吨)( ton) ...

6.计量仪表 二次仪表 meters 计量仪表 meters 湿度计 Moisture meters ...

7.一点零三米 1.03 one point o three 一点零三。 1.03 meters 一点零三米。 0.49 ton 零点四九吨。 ...

8.表头如果我对表头 (meters) 的意思没误解的话:Final Cut Pro 的表头是 dBFSCanon 的 manual 只提到送出的 1K tone 可以选择 -12…


1.The worst thing that's happened in the cave so far was one of the robots fell down ten meters.迄今为止那个洞穴里发生的最糟糕的事情就是这些机器人中的一个从十米高的地方摔了下去。

2.If either of these ice sheets were to melt significantly, sea levels could rise by an order of meters (many feet), drowning coastal cities.如果这两大区域的冰川大量融化,海平面会大幅上升(许多英尺)并淹没沿岸城市。

3.He said construction of the remaining 30 meters is a critical phase that involves installation of a digital antenna.他说剩下的30米的兴建是一个关键的步骤,它包括安装数字电视天线。

4.Up till now, the scope of area he photographs is no more than a few hundred meters from his home.到目前为止,他拍摄的范围仅只距他家方圆几百米。

5.and yet most fear - meters , including , crucially , the price banks have to pay for funds ( see chart ) , still register chronic anxiety.但大多数市场紧张程度指标(包括最为关键的银行的融资成本,见图)仍然显示出不容乐观的长期趋势。

6.He saw beautiful landscapes, witnessed enormous whales just meters away and enjoyed what he called God's whispering at him through the wind.他看到了美丽的风景,身边游过的巨大鲸鱼,并且非常惬意地享受了回响在风中的上帝之音。

7.I would say it's about double the length of that stick that we have on the wall, and the stick is two meters long.我会说大概是双倍的,墙上的棍子的长度,这棍子是2米长。

8.A few meters away, thousands of pilgrims from around the world visited the ancient grotto bepeved to be the birthplace of Jesus.在离教堂几米远的地方,来自世界各地的成千上万名朝圣者参观了据信是耶稣诞生的地方。

9.On the way to the starting pne, I began to feel a pttle bit excited and told myself, "I was ready to start running for the 800 meters. "在途中对直线,我开始感到稍微激动并且告诉自己,“我准备好开始跑为800米。”

10."The metric unit, you know, meters and centimeters, all that stuff, is set in France, " said Mr. Irving, once again in his serious pose.“我们现在所用的米制,米和厘米,是法国制定的。”艾尔文先生的面孔看起来象一张死板的建筑图纸。