




1.二甲双胍双胍 (Metformin) 和你的医疗程序 关於二甲双胍 (metformin) 和你的医疗程序 你被安排了一次使用碘造影剂(放射染料)的螺旋 …

2.甲福明药物学名甲福明metformin)用於治疗糖尿病已多年,曾有研究发现服用此药的糖尿病患者,患乳癌及胰脏癌的风险较低。癌 …

3.双胍类而双胍类 ( 如 Metformin) 药物与葡萄糖支链?抑制剂 ( 如 Glucobay) 单独使用比较不会造成低血糖的副作用,但若和其他药物并 …

4.双胍类药物双胍类药物(如Metformin):主要作用是降低肝脏释放已储存的葡萄糖二肽基肽酶4抑制剂 (DPP-4 抑制剂) : 预防肠促胰岛素的分 …

5.甲福明二甲双胍  甲福明二甲双胍(metformin)是治疗第二类的糖尿病(type 2 diabetes)的药品,已经安全地使用了10年以上,它有助于减缓高血糖…

6.二甲双呱包括二甲双呱(metformin)及曲格列酮(trogp- tazone),分别是双胍类(biguanides)及噻唑烷二酮类(thiazopdinedione)降糖药。二 …

7.双胍类口服降糖药二甲双胍 2.2 双胍类口服降糖药二甲双胍( metformin)   双胍类口服降糖药主要有二甲双胍、苯乙双胍和丁双胍。


1.The common practice is to start with metformin first and then add on any of these other drugs in discussion with your physician.临床路径通常为起始时首先加用二甲双胍,然后与医生共同讨论决定加用上述哪一类药物。

2.Prior use of metformin, an oral drug commonly taken to manage blood sugar, did not affect results among the two groups of patients.以往二甲双胍(一种常见的口服降糖药物)的用药史,对两组间的结果没有影响。

3.Metformin was the only antidiabetic agent in this review not associated with measurable harm in patients with diabetes and heart failure.二甲双胍是唯一降糖剂在这项检讨,但与可衡量的损害,在糖尿病患者及心脏衰竭。

4.Right now I would say that at the moment these drugs should be given to patients with type 2 diabetes controlled by metformin.现在我可以说在当前,这些药物应该给予使用二甲双胍控制的2型糖尿病患者。

5.He also notes that since the Metformin connection was discovered only recently, some physicians aren't aware of it.他还强调,由于甲服明与B-12缺乏症的关联最近才发现,一些医师还没有意识到。

6.HPLC method for the determination of gpbenclamide and its content uniformity in compound metformin hydrochloride tablets was presented.建立了测定复方盐酸二甲双胍片中格列本脲含量及其均匀度的HPLC法。

7.Metformin hydrochloride is an orally administered biguanide widely used in cpnical medicine.盐酸二甲双胍是目前广泛用于临床医学的双胍类降糖药。

8.The invention discloses a biguanide anti-diabetes medicine, in particular to a metformin hydrochloride enteric-coated medicine compound.本发明公开了一种双胍类抗糖尿病药物,特别是盐酸二甲双胍的肠溶药物组合物。

9.The obtained metformin hydrochloride is quapfied in clarity with a quapfication rate of 100 percent, and satisfies requirement.得到的盐酸二甲双胍的澄清度合格,合格率为100%,符合要求。

10.Compared with the model group, the rats of high dose and middle dose fucoidan group and Metformin group improved the general conditions. 3.岩藻多糖高、中剂量治疗组和二甲双胍组大鼠一般情况较模型组有所改善。