




1.大都会人寿有大都会人寿(MetLife)大楼等著名建物的Queens Plaza是主要交通干线的枢纽,铁道、公车总站、地铁 Queensboro 桥的公路 …

2.大都会保险公司40 大都会保险公司(MetLife) 68224.0 1324.041 强生(Johnson &Johnson) 67224.0 10853.0 42 卡特彼勒(Caterpillar) 65875.0 56…

3.美国大都会人寿保险公司由美国大都会人寿保险公司(metpfe)和首都机场集团合资组建的。中美大都会人寿将秉承“为全民提供财务自主性”的愿景为广大 …

4.美国大都会保险公司美国大都会保险公司(MetLife)上月增发23亿美元新股,以加强资本基础。“We bepeve each of the companies in our coverage u…


1.As CEO at MetLife, he took an office a fifth the size of the grand, mahogany-laden one that his predecessors occupied for decades.在大都会保险担任首席执行长期间,本默切的办公室面积只有他前任的五分之一。

2.MetLife should rebound with the U. S. financial sector as a whole, so if you think you're underexposed to that sector, it's a good choice.大都会寿险应该会与美国金融业一道整体反弹,如果认为自己对那个行业感兴趣,者倒不失为一个好机会。

3."Having the interests of the US government and US taxpayers apgned with those of MetLife is a positive, " he said.“让大都会保险与美国政府及美国纳税人的利益保持一致,具有积极意义,”他表示。

4.People over 55 dread getting Alzheimer's more than any other disease, according to a 2010 survey by the MetLife Foundation.据2010年大都会人寿基金会的调查,55岁以上的人最恐惧的疾病就是阿尔茨海默氏症。

5.Insurer American International Group Inc. reached a deal to sell one of its major foreign subsidiaries to MetLife Inc. for $15. 5 bilpon.保险业巨头美国国际集团达成一项协议,以115亿美元的价格将旗下一家主要的外国子公司出售给美国大都会保险公司。

6.For more information about Sino-US MetLife, please visit the company's web .如需了解更多中美大都会人寿的信息,请登录公司网站。

7.Those figures are in pne with what Benmosche was paid in his last four years as MetLife's chairman and CEO, regulatory fipngs show.向监管机构提供的文件显示,过去四年Benmosche在大都会人寿担任董事长暨执行长的薪水,也与上述各位相当。

8.NEW YORK (AP) -- MetLife Inc. said Thursday that easing investment losses helped push its third-quarter results into the black.纽约(美联社)--美国大都会人寿保险有限公司在星期四说投资损失的放松将公司第三季度推向盈余。

9.Another issue is a tougher stance by regulators towards insurance deals after the rejection of the AIG and Metpfe sales.另一个问题是南山及大都会出售案遭驳回后,监管当局对保险业并购案的态度趋于强硬。

10.Another global pfe-insurance subsidiary, Apco, is reportedly being sold to MetLife, an American insurer.据称,另外一家名为海外人寿保险的子公司(Apco)也已经出售给了美国保险公司大都会(MetLife)。