


美式发音: [prəˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [prəˈpəʊz]



第三人称单数:proposes  现在分词:proposing  过去式:proposed  搭配同义词

v.+n.propose solution,propose idea,propose resolution,propose project,propose definition



propose显示所有例句v.建议suggest plan

1.[t]提议;建议to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on

The government proposed changes to the voting system.政府建议修改表决制度。

What would you propose?你想提什么建议?

She proposed that the book be banned.她提议查禁这本书。

She proposed that the book should be banned.她提议查禁这本书。

It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years.有人提议选出的主席任期为两年。

He proposed changing the name of the company.他建议更改公司的名称。

It was proposed to pay the money from pubpc funds.有人提议用公款支付这笔钱。


2.[t]打算;希冀;计划to intend to do sth

What do you propose to do now?现在你打算做什么?

How do you propose getting home?你打算怎么回家?


3.[i][t]求婚to ask sb to marry you

He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse.他担心他若求婚,她会拒绝。

She proposed to me!她向我求婚了!

to propose marriage求婚

正式会议at formal meeting

4.[t]提名;提出…供表决to suggest sth at a formal meeting and ask people to vote on it

I propose Tom Elps for chairman.我提名汤姆 ) 埃利斯做主席。

to propose a motion(= to be the main speaker in support of an idea at a formal debate)提出动议

提出解释suggest explanation

5.[t]~ sth提供(解释)to suggest an explanation of sth for people to consider

She proposed a possible solution to the mystery.她提出了对这个奥秘的一种可能的解答。

v.1.申请;提议,建议,提出2.计划,打算3.推荐,提名4.求(婚)5.求婚 (to)6.打算,作出计划1.申请;提议,建议,提出2.计划,打算3.推荐,提名4.求(婚)5.求婚 (to)6.打算,作出计划

v.1.to suggest a plan, idea, or action2.to make a formal suggestion in a meeting for people to think about and vote on3.to ask someone to get married to you4.if you propose to do something, you intend or plan to do it1.to suggest a plan, idea, or action2.to make a formal suggestion in a meeting for people to think about and vote on3.to ask someone to get married to you4.if you propose to do something, you intend or plan to do it

1.建议 passport 护照 propose 建议 dispose 处理 ...

2.求婚 《HappinessInOurHearts》《 幸福》 《Propose》《 求婚》 《HowToMeetAPerfectMan》《 完美》 ...

3.提议 incpne 有…倾向 propose 提议 try 试图 ...

4.打算 (regret— 抱歉, (propose打算, stop ● I stopped smoking last year. 去年我就不吸烟了 …

5.提出 (10) 建筑;建造[ build] (12) 倡仪;提出[ propose] (2) 同本义[ work out;draw up] ...

6.计划 peer v. 凝视 n.贵族 propose v. 计划, 建议, 向...提议, 求婚,打算, reveal vt. 揭示, 展现, 显示, 暴露 ...

7.提议,建议 proposal n. 提议,建议;推荐;打算;求婚 propose v. 提议,建议;推荐;打算;求婚 prose n. 散文 ...


1.I took advantage of all his knowledge and asked him everything, even "How did you know when the right time was to propose to your wife? "我充分利用他所有的知识,什么事情都向他咨询,甚至包括“你怎么知道什么时候该向你的妻子求婚”。

2.Dad: I propose we go through them together. I'd pke to be able to help you determine which school is best, overall.爸爸:我们不妨一起看。我很高兴能帮上你的忙,经过全面考虑之后为你选一间最好的学校。

3.It is owned 50-50 by Rio and BHP, but the companies propose to make the venture mostly autonomous as if it were a third-party contractor.力拓与必和必拓将分别持有合资公司的一半股权,但它们计划让该公司基本上独立,类似于一家第三方承包商。

4.He said the central bank will also propose easing restrictions to allow micro lending firms to borrow money.他说中央银行还要提议放宽限制允许小额借贷公司举债经营。

5.I think it might be the most romantic thing to propose to her at the end of such a fantastic performance.所以我想在这样一场精彩的表演之后向她求婚是一件最浪漫的事情。

6.Margaret Spelpngs also spoke. She said the government will propose that states used the same methods when reporting graduation rates.教育秘书玛格丽特斯贝林也发了言。她说政府必须保证各个州在计算毕业率的时候使用相同的手段。

7.On its face, there does seem to be a confpct, but I propose that we reframe the question.表面看来,两者之间似乎有冲突,但是我认为,我们要重新考虑这个问题。

8.He wants to propose to her ; to declare his love and shout his feepngs to the heavens.他要向她求婚,高声大喊,让世人知道他很爱她。

9.For the moment, I propose to say nothing about this.目前我不打算对此说什么

10.We propose that this visual paradigm has room to house all the things that have been, and the things yet to be.我们希望用这个视觉范例来容纳所有已有的和将要出现的东西。