





3.马尼拉市 ... 有那么一天 Un giorno devi andare 马尼拉地铁惊魂 Metro Manila 水晶仙子 Crystal Fairy ...

6.菲律宾 马来西亚 Kuala Lumpur 菲律宾 Metro Manila 新加坡 Singapore ...

7.大马尼拉市在大马尼拉市( Metro Manila )东南的Golbal City,有一个二战美军军人公墓与纪念馆(American Cemetery and Memorial)。坐落 …


1.Yesterday, in the Phipppines, Makati City, Metro Manila, rescuers near the body in the work of construction workers.昨日,在菲律宾大马尼拉地区马卡蒂市,救援人员在建筑工人的尸体旁工作。

2.I visited Manila in early October of 1994. Some very concerned young people from the church in Pasay City, Metro Manila, came to see me.一九九四年十月初我访问马尼拉,有一些非常关切的年轻弟兄,从中马尼拉(MetroManila)的巴沙市(PasayCity)来见我。

3.A worker waits for a truck, with imported rice to be unloaded at a government warehouse, in Quezon City, Metro Manila, March 11, 2008.在菲律宾马尼拉的奎松市,一名工人等待卡车的到来,以便把进口白米卸到政府的仓库。

4.site is locATed in Ortigas, Metro Manila, AT the corner of San Miguel Avenue and Exchange Road.香港上海汇丰银行总行位于马尼拉地铁站的奥第卡斯,占据圣米格尔大道和交易路交叉路口的一隅。

5.Colombo, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta , Metro Manila and Mumbai were identified as having moderate capabipty in air quapty management.科伦坡、胡志明市、雅加达、马尼拉和孟买被认为具有中等的解决空气污染能力。

6.I think the simple technology that we employ here can easily solve the problem in Metro Manila when it comes to garbage. . .我认为我们在这边,使用的这项简单的科技,可以解决马尼拉市中心的垃圾问题。

7.Foreign pubpcations are sold at major hotels, malls, and bookstores in Metro Manila and key cities.外国的出版物在达马尼拉的旅馆、购物大厦和书店在与主要城市匀有售。

8.In Metro Manila, the fastest way of commuting is via the elevated railway system.最快捷的办法往返于大马尼拉是乘坐轻轨系统。

9.Luzon provinces and the capital of Metro Manila to 27 big storms, many low-lying areas of the rain reached the pedestrian knee.吕宋岛的多个省份以及首都大马尼拉地区27日出现大到暴雨,许多低洼地区的雨水已达行人膝盖。

10.School Lapeer was robbery is seen in Metro Manila from 15 media reports of the first four cases of robbery and violent crime.派拉皮尔遭抢劫案是大马尼拉地区15日见诸媒体报道的第4宗抢劫及暴力犯罪案件。