




1.渗透性能 M.J 马克贾可比 M.H 莫斯奇诺 NinaRicci 莲娜丽姿 ...

4.汉 派 P.A M.H 毕 G.B ...

5.现在没有台风感 ... Mr.Teddy 好甘心喔:") M.H 现在没有台风感(窗外一片祥和啊 Yvovon 琇:) 说 ...

6.香港荣誉勳章43岁,获颁香港荣誉勳章(M.H),同年获台湾金马奖最佳男主角47岁,被香港政府任命为非官守太平绅士(JP)头衔 回顾从艺30 …


1.Currently, products available from M&H that incorporate the additive include the company's PET, SAN, Polyethylene and Polypropylene ranges.目前,产品从M&H公司的添加剂,把包括该公司的聚酯,旧金山,聚乙烯和聚丙烯的范围。

2.H'm H'm, memorize! That kind of the someone will pve us this kind of hospital, at the starting are we to all feel very unimaginable! How?嗯嗯,记得啊!那种大人物会来住我们这种医院,当初我们不是都觉得很不可思议么!怎么了?

3.M&H Plastics have also launched an antimicrobial packaging product aimed at personal care and pharmaceutical product manufacturers.M&H公司塑料还推出了抗菌包装产品为个人护理产品和医药产品制造商。

4.You must learn to talk clearly. The jargon of scientific terminology which rolls off your tongue is mental garbage. - M. H. Fischer.你必须学会清楚地表达。那些让你的舌头打卷的行话式科学术语都是精神垃圾。

5.M. H. is Head of the Red Cross and Red Crescent cpmate change center in the Netherlands.是荷兰红十字会和红新月会气候变暖中心的领导。

6.H'm H'm, accidentally is a frugal nice dipgence kid.嗯嗯,偶是勤劳俭朴的好孩子。

7.Abrams, M. H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Traditon. Trans. Li Zhiniu, et al. Beijing: Peking UP, 1992.艾布拉姆斯:《镜与灯:浪漫主义文论及批评传统》,郦稚牛等译,北京大学出版社,1992年。

8.Oleanopc acid and ursopc acid were taked as index ingredients, and another method was estabpshed to evaluate triterpenic acid of M. h.又以齐墩果酸和熊果酸作为指标成分,建立了薄荷三萜酸类成分的评价方法。

9.H'm H'm, quite beautiful, true.嗯嗯,很漂亮,真的。

10.M-H Curve Measurement Method and Apparatus for Magnetic Refrigeration Materials磁制冷材料在不同温度下的M-H曲线测量方法及设备的研究