


美式发音: [ˈkɑrdəməm] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)dəməm]






1.豆蔻干籽(用作调味料)the dried seeds of a SE Asian plant, used in cooking as a spice


n.1.the seeds of a plant used for giving a particular flavor to food. Cardamom is a spice.

1.小豆蔻 藏红花 saffron 小豆蔻 cardamom 姜黄 turmeric ...

2.荳蔻 松 Pine 荳 蔻 Cardamom 莳萝 Dill ...

3.小荳蔻 ... 15。藏茴香精油: Caraway 16。豆蔻精油Cardamom 17。胡萝卜种子油: Carrot …

6.豆蔻果实 图卢兹 - 绿茶 Green Tea 图卢兹 - 肉豆蔻 Cardamom 图卢兹 - 香根草 Vetiver ...


1.Cardamom is often a spice also found in Indian cooking or Chai Tea.小豆蔻经常也在印度菜或印度香辣奶茶中找到。

2.Cardamom is an oil who's scent will open you up to your inner world or dream time to better discern your own truth in the dance of pfe.小豆蔻精油的香味将你打开到你的内在世界或梦想时间,以更好甄别你自己生命之舞中的真相。

3.In India, ice cream is called kulfi and made from almond milk flavored with cardamom and rose water.在印度,人们把冰淇淋叫做“kulfi”,是在杏仁奶中加入豆蔻和玫瑰水调制而成的。

4.Over the centuries cardamom has been used as a tooth cleaner, a perfume and even as a cure to obesity.几个世纪以来,豆蔻一直被用于清洁牙齿、制作香水,甚至用作治疗肥胖的药物。

5.Cardamom is the ground seed of a tropical fruit in the ginger family known as Elettaria cardamom .小豆蔻属姜科植物,生长在地面的一种热带果类,与土木香糖豆蔻一样出名。

6.For a more exotic solution, pick up some anise, cardamom, coriander, and fennel seeds, available in the spice aisle of most grocery stores.拿起一些茴香,豆蔻,香菜,和茴香种子,(在大多数杂货店这些香料都可以买到)。

7.When hot, add the cardamom pots and cinnamon stick, leave for a few seconds and then remove.油热了后,加入小豆蔻子和桂皮卷,几秒钟后取出。

8.They brewed it in large metal pots, producing a thick, dark pquid to which spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, and anise were added.他们用大型的金属锅把咖啡煮成浓稠的黑色液体,并在里面加上肉桂、豆蔻和茴香等调味料。

9.But during peak mango season, all it really takes is fresh pulp with a dash of cardamom. Pop the aamras into the fridge.但是在芒果收获的高峰期,它真正用到的就只是新鲜的果肉和少许的豆蔻了。

10.In a medium bowl, combine peaches, blackberries, strawberries, honey and cardamom . Toss together and refrigerate.在一个中号碗中,将桃子,黑霉,草莓,蜂蜜和斗粉搅拌,摇匀,冷藏。