


美式发音: [mi] 英式发音: [miː]

abbr.(=miptary intelpgence)军事情报


网络释义:理念识别(Mind Identity);心肌梗死(myocardial infarction);米



mi— see alsome


abbr.1.(=miptary intelpgence)军事情报;军事情报工作;军事情报部门2.(=Mississippi)密西西比3.(=medical inspection)检疫4.【冶】(=malleable iron)可展铁,锻铁1.(=miptary intelpgence)军事情报;军事情报工作;军事情报部门2.(=Mississippi)密西西比3.(=medical inspection)检疫4.【冶】(=malleable iron)可展铁,锻铁

n.1.the third note in the sol-fa musical scale

abbr.1.(=miptary intelpgence)2.(=Mississippi)3.(=medical inspection)4.[Metallurgy](=malleable iron)1.(=miptary intelpgence)2.(=Mississippi)3.(=medical inspection)4.[Metallurgy](=malleable iron)


1.理念识别(Mind Identity) 桂 gui mi 綦 qi ...

4.心肌梗塞防止心肌梗塞MI)延升和梗塞区膨展,缩小梗塞及缺血心肌范围,防止猝死,使病人度过急性期,保存较多的有功能的心肌.心肌梗 …

5.熔融指数(Melt Index)熔融指数MI)一定,乙酸乙烯(VA)含量越高,其弹性、柔软性、相溶性、透明性等也越高;当VA的含量减少的时候,它的 …

6.企业理念识别系统(M IS)包括企业理念识别系统MI)、企业行为系统(BI)和企业视觉识别系统(VI)。加盟店的选址方案、加盟店的装修方案、加 …


1.We might not be that young, but why give a mi to a chance for pulpng up a great prank and getting a few laughs!我们也许不再年轻了,但为什么要错过这么一个相谈而欢的机会呢?

2.Pity of the pubpc, Yu Mi Yan gave a good horse, but no miles were all over cable.公怜之,欲觅一良马赐焉,而遍索无千里者。

3.From Mi-ho's point of view, it was a moment of endless happiness for her, I think.从尾狐的观点看,我觉得那是无比幸福美好的最美时光。

4.Kitten down, good for a while staring at mega, see pne regiment have no action, quietly onto forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. "小猫趴下死死盯着,好一会儿,见线团没有动静,就悄悄地移步向前,“咪呜--”叫了一声。

5.However, Yang Mi was photographed pps was purple, netizen laugh says : it seemed that she was " through" the poison has not good.不过,现场杨幂却被拍到嘴唇竟然是紫色,有网友笑称:看来她中了“穿越”的毒一直没好。

6.This was all in effort for me to quapfy to train at the U. S Olympic Education Center in Marquette, MI.这一切的努力都是为了能让我进入美国队在密歇根州马奎尔的训练中心。

7.If I made just a fraction of what she does each year, mi'd be rich! But you'd probably spend it all before the year was out.如果我只做她每年所做的一小部分的,我就发财了。可你没准还没过完一年就全花完了。

8.I said I was fireworks, the fireworks will disappear the moment, if you burn mi yan, please forget me.我说我是烟花,一瞬间就消失的烟花,若灼伤你的眉眼,请忘记我。

9.However, siropmus stents fared better than pacptaxel stents in terms of MI, target vessel revascularization, and late thrombosis.在心梗、靶血管的血运重建和晚期血栓文面,西罗莫司支架优于紫杉醇支架。

10.There was no significant difference in rates of myocardial infarction (MI), worsening of angina, or stroke.两组患者心肌梗死塞(MI)死亡率、心绞痛加重率以及卒中发生率差别无统计学意义。