


美式发音: 英式发音: [mi'ʃɛl]






na.1.The variant of Michelle

1.米歇尔 - ArisTocracY- 贵足 - MICHEL- 迈克 喷漆 - AAA- 顶呱呱 皮衣护理剂 ...

4.米海尔 R.Huber 胡伯尔德国 H.Michel 米歇尔德国 T.R.Cech 切赫美国 ...

6.蜜雪儿 ... Kuqer 酷Q儿 Michel 蜜雪儿 sasha 萨纱 ...

7.米雪米雪Michel):年约20岁,大学三年级“昆虫生理机能学”系的学生,是雷伊的学姐,曾和雷伊一起经历过许多事情,米雪对憨 …


1.And I'm very honored by the fact that Michel invited me, only a few months ago, to become a UNAIDS ambassador.我为此处邀请而感到光荣,就在几个月前,我成为了联合国艾滋病规划署大使。

2.Even if it does not cause a race to the bottom, tax competition is not necessarily benign, says Michel Aujean of the European Commission.欧委会成员米歇尓认为,即使税收竞争没有造成向下运作,它也是毫无必要进行的。

3.Back in his Juventus playing pomp, Michel Platini found himself in conversation one day with the club's distinguished owner, Gianni Agnelp.回想起自己在尤文图斯辉煌的球员生涯,米歇尔·普拉蒂尼有天正和俱乐部杰出的主席吉亚尼·阿涅利(GianniAgnelp)交谈。

4.No doubt Chinese authorities would not pke what Mr. Justice Michel Shore had to say about the Chinese criminal justice system.无疑,中国政府绝对不会喜欢MichelShore法官关于中国刑事司法系统的言论。

5.Michel Barnier, France's agriculture minister, recently said it was a mistake to leave "feeding people to the mercy of the market" .法国农业部长米歇尔-巴尼耶(MichelBarnier)表示,“把人民的饥饱问题交由市场决定”是错误的。

6.The Organisation of American States says that Michel Martelly, a singer, actually bested Mr Celestin and should replace him in the contest.美洲国家组织称,歌手MichelMartelly,实际上击败了Celestin,并应在选举中取代他。

7.As for her salon, Pierre Michel, Mrs. Madoff had dropped in every six weeks over the last 10 years.至于她在过去10年间经常去的皮埃尔.米歇尔夫人沙龙美发店呢?

8.But Astore sales director Michel Gogniat says his company has no official deal with North Korea.但Astore的销售部负责人迈克尔•戈烈特(MichelGogniat)表示,公司并没有与朝鲜签订正式合同。

9.Novepst and short-story writer Michel Faber was born in Holland, grew up in Austrapa and now calls Scotland home.小说家、短篇小说作家米歇尔·费伯生在荷兰,长在澳大利亚,但现在却把苏格兰当做自己的家乡。

10.Some of these recipes will be passed around in Michel Cluizel 'Mignardises', one bite size chocolate shells made of Dark Chocolate 72%.一些餐点将会被放入由柯氏72%黑巧克力制成的一口大小的巧克力壳中来做展示。