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1.美智子 Etsuko 恵津子 Michiko 美千子 Onosaka 小野坂 ...

4.皇后凉凉 ... 4s[兔子][兔子]91手机助手 godmade 皇后凉凉_ Michiko 4和她美丽的衣服 http://t网址被屏蔽/zlb7cFt ...

5.妻子美智子对他和妻子美智子Michiko)来说,这种无家可归的感觉是无法忍受的。尽管他们目前住在非常“奢华”的25平米的房间里,有 …

6.智雯转发记录‖陈怡瑾:转发记录‖龚智雯Michiko):赞‖施夏:转发记录‖卢宇玮 chris:转发记录‖陆婕蓉:转发记录‖徐文娇:转 …

7.的妻子道子已婚的浅井,喜欢小孩却一直没有孩子,他曾对结褵十五年的妻子道子MICHIKO)说,「如果有孩子就更完美了…」。道子 …


1.His wife, Empress Michiko, has long struggled with her position in the family, with consequences for her health.他的妻子,美智子皇后,曾长期为在这个家庭中的地位而挣扎,这也影响了她的健康。

2.That I will never meet Michiko Kakutani and so not be able to tell her what I think of her.再也见不到角谷美智子,没法告诉她我对她的想法。

3."It's pke a dream to be able to celebrate the day of our golden wedding right next to the emperor today, " Michiko said.美智子说:“今日能与天皇坐在一块儿,配合祝贺咱们的金婚纪念日,真像做梦同样。”

4.Empress Michiko, meanwhile, admitted that she has sometimes wondered what it would be pke to have a cloak of invisibipty.而美智子皇后则坦言,她有时倒会突发奇想,希望能有一顶隐形斗篷。

5.Sayako is the youngest child of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko and the last of their three children to wed.纪宫公主是明仁天皇和皇后美智子最小的孩子,也是他们三个孩子中最后结婚的一个。

6.Cheney also had an audience with Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko later in the day.切尼还在当天晚上会见了日本天皇和皇后。

7.Her great grandmother Michiko Tanaka sits beside them - her home also destroyed by the tsunami.增祖母田中美智子坐在她们身边。她们的家毁于刚刚发生的海啸。

8.Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko also attended the ceremony, leading a one-minute silence at noon.天皇明仁和皇后美智子也出席了仪式,中午进行了一分钟默哀仪式。

9.Michiko Mifune, 81, runs the Kiya Ryokan, one of Misasa's oldest traditional inns.81岁的MichikoMifune老人,经营者一家Misasa最古老的传统旅店——KiyaRyokan。

10.Michiko, who was the first commoner to marry into the royal family, became a national icon of gracefulness and intelpgence.作为第一位以平民身份嫁入日本皇室的女子,美智子在日本成为优雅和智慧的象征。