




1.酷到骨子里 全名: Avril Lavigne 酷到骨子里 Under My Skin 闭上你的嘴 Don't Tell Me ...

2.钻到我的皮下 used to be 曾经…… under my skin 钻到我的皮下(让我很不舒服) unwind 放松发条(轻松下 …

3.我的皮肤之下 第一张专辑 Let Go 第二张专辑 Under My Skin 第三张专辑 The Best Damn Thing ...


1.The teachers at my son's school really got under my skin -- they seemed to think grades are more important than anything else.我儿子学校的老师真的把我惹烦了,他们似乎认为成绩才是最重要的事。

2.What I strive not to do, with both praise and criticism, is to let it get under my skin.对于表扬和批评,我都尽量不让自己感到烦躁和讨厌。

3.It really got under my skin when he said women were bad drivers.当他说女人驾驶技术差的时候我很恼火。

4.Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin: he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles.但是,他有一个习惯实在令我感到讨厌。那就是,他成天坐在那里把自己的手关节按得嘎嘎的响。

5.I met Jack there, I cannot explain why, but it seems he really gets under my skin most of the times.我在那里遇到了杰克,我无法解释为什么,但是他总是能惹恼我。

6.His bad habit of spitting got under my skin so badly that I finally had to say it.他随地吐痰的坏习惯是在让我忍无可忍,我不得不说他了。

7.I'm a rhymist under my skin, but I had a businessman, I was a businessman.我骨子里是一个文人,但我做了一个商人,我就是一个商人。

8.From the outside, it looks pke the ripple of piano keys in the muscles under my skin.从外表看,它看起来像是我皮肤下的肌肉泛起的钢琴键纹波。

9.Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949 appeared in 1995 and received the James Tait Black Prize for best biography.《在我的皮肤之下:自传第一部,至1949》出版于1995年,并获布莱克小说纪念奖。

10.The crying baby on the airplane got me under my skin and I couldn't wait to land.飞机上的那个婴儿一直哭个不停,烦死我了,我几乎都等不到飞机降落了。