


美式发音: [ˈbɛtɪ] 英式发音: [ˈbetɪ]





1.贝蒂 uiyi 佑一良品 Betty 贝蒂 Snoopy 史努比 ...

2.贝蒂……上帝是誓约 Betsy 贝琪……上帝是誓约 Betty 贝蒂……上帝是誓约 Bridget 布丽姬特……强壮 力 …

3.蓓蒂 Angepna 安琪莉娜 Betty 蓓蒂(我的英文名) Bess 贝丝 ...

4.黄奕 姓名:盖丽丽 Gai Lip 姓名:黄奕 Betty 姓名:黄圣依 Eva ...

5.比蒂福特的太太比蒂Betty)说:“我的丈夫是国家的‘理智’,我自己就希望扮演国家的‘情感’。”人们甚至给她起了“第一妈妈”(First …

6.冯程淑仪新闻处处长冯程淑仪Betty)八月便调职去康文署做署长,但佢早喺政府宣布调动前一日已申请放假,仲放成个月,睇嚟系趁 …

7.姚芊羽姚芊羽Betty)英文名:Betty 现居住地:北京 生日:1979年12月3日 生肖:羊 身高:167cm 体重:48kg 星座:射手座 昵称…


1.Betty: What's the matter with him, Whelma?贝蒂:他怎么啦,威尔玛?

2.Betty: But still, wining and dining is often a necessary part of making a deal.贝蒂:但是要把生意谈成,喝酒和吃饭常常是不可缺少的一部份。

3.Betty's main ambition in pfe is to be a famous model so she can join cafe society and dine out in fancy places.贝蒂的人生抱负就是成为一名著名模特。那样,她就可以加入社交名流的行列,而且在高级场所就餐。

4.His wife, Betty, is Shanghai-born Chinese who left China at the age of eight, and whose book "Moon" , tells of her sister's pfe in China.他妻子贝蒂是一位出生在上海的华人,八岁离开中国,写过一本名叫《月》的书,记叙了她妹妹在中国的生活。

5.Betty is always mixing herself up with good-looking men. She seems to be not so wise.贝笛总是和漂亮男人混在一起,在这点上她似乎不那么聪明。

6.Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。

7.Betty: I imagine that she did it so that Kype could avoid problems with her parents.贝蒂:我猜想她做这件事,凯莉可以避免问题,她的父母。

8.An idea came to her that she might borrow some jewels from her friend, Betty.她想到一个主意,她可以从她朋友贝蒂那借点珠宝。

9.Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butter's bitter.贝蒂伯特买了一些黄油,但是,她说,黄油是苦的。

10.The mother, which was just as he wished, proposed it to him to talk with Mrs. Betty.他的母亲,正中他的心愿,托他去同柏蒂太太磋商。