




1.价廉物美 物美价廉 cheap and fine 在同一个班里 in the same class ...


1.Why didn't you buy the shirt? It is cheap and fine. --Well, it is not the price. It is just the style. I don't pke the style.你为什么不买那件衬衣?物美价廉呀。--倒不是因为价钱。是因为款式。我不喜欢那种款式。

2.The washing machine of this type is indeed cheap and fine.这种类型的洗衣机真是价廉物美。

3.Meanwhile, Nanyang also has a famous Chinese snack: stewed noodles (Huimian). What a cheap and fine depcacy!南阳同样有着中华名小吃:烩面,是何等物美价廉的美食啊!

4.This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.这台打字机真是物美价廉。

5.This new type of computer is indeed cheap and fine.这部新型电脑真是价廉物美。价物

6.z This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.z这部打字机真是价廉物美。

7.That black jacket is indeed cheap and fine.那件黑夹克真是价廉物美。价物

8.This printer is indeed cheap and fine.这部打印机真是物美价廉。

9.The receiver is indeed cheap and fine.这台收音机真是物美价廉。

10.This color TV set is indeed cheap and fine.这台彩电真是价廉物美。