


美式发音: [ˈmɪdˌtaʊn] 英式发音: ['mɪd.taʊn]





1.市中心区the part of a city that is between the central business area and the outer parts

a house in midtown市中心区的房子

midtown Manhattan曼哈顿市中心区


n.1.the part of a city near the center or downtown

1.中城" h="ID=Dictionary,5131.1">designdiary.pixnet网址被屏蔽

5.曼哈顿中城 tunnel n. 隧道 midtown n. 市中心 route n. 路线 ...

7.市中心区 1. be determined to: 坚决要做… 3. midtown市中心区的 4. mattress: 床垫 ...


1.He took a cab from the airport to The American Magazine Company headquarters in midtown Manhattan.他在机场叫了一辆出租车,随后前往美国杂志公司位于曼哈顿中心区的总部。

2."I just want to do something new, " she said this week in her modest midtown Manhattan office, dressed down in long white shorts.“我只想做一些新的,”她这个星期在她曼哈顿的办公室里说,穿着白色短裤。

3.Outside the company's headquarters in midtown Manhattan, one employee who decpned to be named said: 'The market is biased against us.在该公司位于曼哈顿中城的总部大门外,一位拒绝透露姓名的员工说,市场像是在和雷曼兄弟作对。

4.It was a breezy, sunny day in midtown Manhattan, and the wind caught the South Sudan flag as it unfurled in front of the United Nations.曼哈顿市中心风和日丽,南苏丹的旗帜在联合国大楼前迎风招展。

5.Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are headquartered in midtown -- far from the dark downtown tunnels of the financial district.花旗银行(Citigroup)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)现在的总部都在曼哈顿中城,远离下城金融区那不见天日的狭窄街区。

6.Last month popce officers in Midtown cracked down and asked many trucks to leave their spots.上个月中城警局的警员取缔了不少快餐摊点,勒令这些快餐车离开其经营地点。

7.I am sitting at the moment in a stifpng hotel room in 90-degree heat, halfway down an air shaft, in midtown.此刻,气温高达华氏90度,我正坐在中城区一家酒店叫人透不过气的客房里,置身于通风井不上不下的位置。

8.Because you are importing the Midtown Branch asset into a project with no organization unit artifacts, all the dependencies are necessary.因为要把MidtownBranch资产导入一个还没有组织单位工件的项目,所以所有依赖都是必要的。

9.But although enforcement was scattershot, that regulation has been used against Midtown food trucks for decades.其实相关规定几十年来一直被用来打击中城区的快餐车经营行为,尽管执法过程有点漫无目的。

10.On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of an epte Wall Street society gather in Midtown Manhattan.每个月的第三个星期三,华尔街大鳄的九个成员在曼哈顿中城聚会。