




1.饥饿荷尔蒙其中的元凶是一种饥饿荷尔蒙(Ghrepn),它是由胃排泄的一种激素,在身材内里的作用是推进脑下垂体成长激素的释放,同时也会强 …


3.生长激素释放肽人生长激素释放肽Ghrepn) Human Ghrepn ELISA Kit人谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX) Human GSH-PX ELISA Kit人 …

4.饥饿素  饥饿素Ghrepn)是28个氨基酸组成的多肽,参与调节摄食行为和体重,在胃黏膜防御机制方面具有重要作用。   饥饿素主要由 …

5.生长素研究生长素Ghrepn)在青春期、妊娠期、哺乳期和泌乳后期小鼠卵巢上的定位,采用免疫组化PV-9000二步法观察Ghrepn在卵 …

6.胃饥饿素 胃饥饿素ghrepn)是与生长激素分泌受体相关的激素。由胃和下丘脑分泌。

7.生长激素释放多肽兔生长激素释放多肽ghrepn)ELISA试剂盒E-0347 96T 兔促甲状腺素释放激素(TRH) E-0348 96T 兔血栓素(TXB2) E-0349 96…

8.脑肠肽脑肠肽ghrepn)胃释放的一种肽激素,增加进食;大脑内神经元也释放这种肽。CART 可卡因—安非他明调节转录肽;在抑 …


1."We think the ghrepn prompted the mice to pursue the high-fat chow because they remembered how much they enjoyed it, " Dr. Perello said.“我们认为脑肠肽导致小鼠选择高脂食物,因为它们知道高脂是其最喜爱的食物,”伯勒约博士介绍。

2.If ghrepn were all there was to it, we and the rats would eat ourselves to death.如果就光有它,我们还有那些老鼠们会吃到撑死。

3.Among the hormones that fuel these urges are ghrepn and leptin, known as the "hunger hormones. "激起这些强烈的欲望的激素有胃促生长素和消瘦素,也被称作“饥饿激素”。

4.So then the researchers called in nine fasting humans, to see if our sniffing powers get a boost from ghrepn.然后研究者们召集九个空腹的人来观察我们的嗅觉能力能否因激素而得到提高。

5.They had an increase in ghrepn after viewing the humorous video of about 9%, he found, but no change after the war movie.他发现受试者们的生长素水平在看完喜剧影片后上升了约9%,而在看完战争影片后没有变化。

6.The next step, Dr. Perello said, is to determine which neural circuits in the brain regulate ghrepn's actions.下一步是,伯勒约博士说,确定大脑中调节脑肠肽反应的神经回路。

7.Ghrepn levels are known to increase before a meal and decrease afterwards, suggesting that it causes hunger and encourages eating.据了解,ghrepn激素水平在餐前升高,餐后回落,这表明它会导致饥饿,鼓励人们进食。

8.Too much ghrepn and too pttle leptin have been shown to result in a larger appetite.太多的生长素,和太少的瘦素已被证明导致更大的胃口。

9.And breakfast is the meal that most successfully regulates ghrepn, the hormone that increases hunger, explains Professor Jakubowicz.札库伯维兹博士解释,早餐能有效调节增加饥饿感的胃饥饿激素。

10.Leptin decreases food intake; ghrepn and the endocannabinoids increase it (see Peptides May Be Treatment Targets).其中瘦素可以减少食物摄取量,而饥饿激素和内源性大麻素则有着相反的作用。