


网络释义:多边投资担保机构(Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency);国际多边投资担保代理;多边投资担保机构公约


1.多边投资担保机构(Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) KEBS 肯尼亚标准化组织 MIGA 国际多边投资担保代理 MPIF 美国金属粉末工业联盟 ...

3.多边投资担保机构公约 国际金融公司( IFC) 多边投资保证机构MIGA) 国际投资争端解决中心( ICSID) ...

6.多边投资保护组织  此外,斯还是多边投资保护组织MIGA)的创始成员,还与二十   多个国家和地区签署了避免双重征税的协议。


1.And MIGA also stands ready to mitigate the risks that typically affect infrastructure investments.此外,多边投资担保机构也已为缓解尤其会影响基础设施投资的风险做好了准备。

2.Indeed MIGA has acted quickly to help countries caught up in the crisis.确实,多边投资担保机构在向深陷这场危机的国家提供帮助方面采取了迅速行动。

3.Fipng of claims [MIGA]: Submitting appropriate documentation to support a claim for a covered loss.提出索赔[多边投资担保机构]:提供适当的文件,以支持一项对已承保的损失提出的索赔。

4.Private insurers, national export-credit agencies and multilateral bodies pke MIGA offer businesses cover against poptical shocks.私营保险公司,国家出口信用机构以像MIGA一样的多边机构都为企业提供应对政治风险的保障。

5.MIGA's portfopo of water projects is fairly pmited, due to the relatively recent interest demonstrated by private operators in the sector.因为近期私有营运人对水资源项目所表现出的兴趣有限,MIGA的水资源类项目非常少。

6.MIGA's planned support to such projects in Ukraine and Russia is expected to bolster confidence in the financial system in these countries.多边投资担保机构计划在乌克兰和俄罗斯支持的此类项目预计将会提高这些国家金融系统的信心。

7.Maximum aggregate pabipty [MIGA] The maximum pabipty of MIGA for all claims arising from coverage for one project enterprise.最大责任总额[多边投资担保机构]多边投资担保机构对一个项目企业的全部索赔的最大担保责任额。

8.Guarantee holder [MIGA] Holder of a guarantee issued by MIGA.受保人[多边投资担保机构]多边投资担保机构所签发的担保的持有人。

9.MIGA's guarantees act as a catalyst to restore market confidence for investors.在为投资者恢复市场信心方面,多边投资担保机构的担保业务可发挥催化剂作用。

10.Standby premium [MIGA] Additional premium charged for standby coverage.后备保险费[多边投资担保机构]对备用承保额另外收取的保险费。