




1.希望 原装白玫瑰 Ombre Rose L'Original 希望 Omnia 金色风华 Organza ...

2.晶艳 ... 白玫瑰原调 Ombre Rose L'Original 晶艳 Omnia 金色风华 Organza ...

3.尼亚 ... Incanto Heaven( 梦幻天堂) Omnia天之骄女) Omnia Crystalpne( 水晶) ...

5.水晶 Omnia 花舞轻盈紫水晶 Omnia 水晶 Adidas 阿迪达斯 ...

6.皮夹 NicoBoy / 随意勾 Omnia / 皮夹 SOB DEALL 沙伯迪澳 ...

7.咬封盖 ommastrephes 柔鱼属 omnia 咬封盖 omnivorous 杂食性的 ...

8.英国 男装、女装 Odermark Bekleidungswerke Brinkman 英国 Omnia 日本 ANNN MALICA ...


1.The antenna is located at the bottom of the Omnia 2 phone, while iPhone's antenna is on the lower left side of the device.Omnia2的天线位于手机底部,而iPhone的天线则位于设备的左侧面靠下的位置。

2.Most other major carriers have adopted the Samsung Omnia 7 as the flagship handset, with one other more affordable choice.其他大多数运营商采用三星Omnia7为旗舰手机,作为另一个更实惠的选择。

3.The other two handsets Samsung unveiled today were the Samsung Preston and the Samsung OMNIA, both available in August.三星今天公布的其他两款手机是:三星普雷斯顿Preston和三星OMNIA,这两款手都将在8月供货。

4.Although it looks pke it is not needed for Omnia, you may leave it checked and if you get an error, try to install again unchecking it.虽然看起来是没有广告计划所需的,你可以给它检查,如果你得到一个错误,尝试再次安装取消选中它。

5.we have not received significant customer feedback on any signal reduction issue for the Omnia II.我们尚未收到关于OmniaII任何信号衰减问题的明显顾客反馈。

6.In fact, the Samsung Omnia was so bad that I rated it as one of the worst tech products of 2009.实际上,三星Omnia如此之糟糕,以至于我把它列入2009年最差技术产品之一。

7.'Compared to just last week, the price of Omnia is about half, ' he says.他说,仅和上周相比,Omnia的价格就便宜了一半。

8.It's the same CPU as in the Omnia HD, i Phone 3Gs, Palm Pre and the upcoming Sony Ericsson Satio.这是因为在广告计划署,部3G版iPhone相同的CPU,棕榈预和即将到来的索尼爱立信Satio。