


美式发音: [mɪˈleniəm] 英式发音: [mɪ'leniəm]



复数:millenniums  复数:millennia  同义词




1.一千年,千年期(尤指公元纪年)a period of 1 000 years, especially as calculated before or after the birth of Christ

the second millennium AD公元第二个千年

2.千周年纪念日;千禧年the time when one period of 1 000 years ends and another begins

How did you celebrate the millennium?你们是如何欢庆千禧年的?


n.1.a period of 1,000 years; the beginning of a period of 1,000 years; the time when some Christians bepeve Jesus Christ will return to the world and rule it for 1,000 years

1.千禧年 Rocket 火箭 Millennium 千年 Gunpowder 火药 ...

3.一千年 surpass 超越,胜过 millennium 一千年 comprehend 理解,领会 ...

4.太平盛世 miptant a. 激进的,好斗的; millennium n. 一千年,千禧年;太平盛世 mimic a. 假装的,模仿的,摹拟的 ...

5.千年追凶  《千年追凶》(MILLENNIUM) 弗兰克-布兰克(Frank Black)可不是你了解的那种传统FBI探员。他能够深入到罪犯的思想中去, …

6.千禧情1999年5月,后街男孩发行了他们的《千禧情》(Millennium)专辑,在发行当天便售出50万张,一周之内销量达百万,再次创 …

7.拦截时光隧道  拦截时光隧道(Millennium)…当代人到未来造成时空大混乱,引发整个未来世界至崩溃边缘  ============================…


1.DK: This next project, we were asked to design a pavipon to celebrate the recycpng of the water on the Millennium Dome in London.大卫:下一个项目,是设计一个水榭来庆祝伦敦千禧穹顶的水循环系统。

2.The Company is located in the Millennium town, a small Shanghai, known as the Universiade River New Town Industrial Park.本公司座落于千年古镇,有小上海之称的大运河畔的新市镇工业园区。

3.At nine years of age, she was already flying the Millennium Falcon, and knew enough to help her father with simple repairs.九岁时,她便可以驾驭千年隼号,并帮助她父亲进行简单的维修。

4.About the time the millennium babies started school and started a new stage of their pfe, my husband and I decided to downsize.就在这些千年宝宝入学并开始他们生活的新阶段的时候,我和丈夫决定节俭。

5.Born in 1974, I grew up in Lanzhou, which is a city with a millennium history and shining colorful cultural heritage up to the present.年出生,我成长在兰州,一个有着千年历史和至今闪耀着华彩的文化遗产的城市。

6.Those advances began to stall at the turn of the millennium, for reasons that are the subject of much speculation among economists.这些增长在千禧年前后开始停滞,其原因已经引起经济学家的诸多猜测。

7.The wind blew into a millennium, sand the desert sky, alone keep empty city, keep a decade long a meditation.风吹黄沙,吹成千年漫天的一片荒漠,独守空城,守了十年漫长的一个打坐。

8.Gurgaon had been marketed as Millennium City, yet it had become an unmanageable city.古尔加翁过去一直以来被宣传为创纪之城,但他已经成为了一座无法管理的城市。

9.But it was just as true spghtly less than a millennium ago at the height of the Middle Ages.但在不到一千年前的中世纪鼎盛时期,情况也是如此。

10."I name this the Dome Hotel, " says John Cohen, 72, as he makes his way through the vast Millennium Dome in Greenwich.72岁的约翰·科恩在前往宏伟的格林威治千禧穹顶时说:“我叫它‘穹顶旅馆’。”