



美式发音: [mɪt] 英式发音: [mɪt]




复数:mitts  同义词





n.1.Same as mitten2.a thick mitten that you wear on your hands to protect them; in baseball, a type of glove that you use for catching the ball3.a hand

1.手套 ... gloves 手套 mitts 手套 scarf 围巾 ...

2.拳击手套 Mitter printing machine 米特圆网印花机 mitts 拳击手套 mix muller 混磨机 ...

3.露指手套 ... rage n. 愤怒, 情绪激动, 狂暴, 精神错乱 mitts n. 露指手套, 棒球手套, 拳击手套 grub n. 幼虫, <俚>食物v.挖, 掘 ...

4.连指手套 torso 躯干 mitts 连指手套 dexterity 灵巧 ...

5.婴儿手套 booties 婴儿鞋套 mitts 婴儿手套 baby powder 婴儿爽身粉 ...

6.手套貂 ... Cinnamon 肉桂 Mitts 手套貂 Sable Point 暹逻重点貂 ...

7.两指手套7.五指手套:任何球员皆可使用,但是"两指手套"(MITTS)仅限捕手及一垒手使用。任何手套虎口上端长度,(即拇指与食指间上 …


1.As a remedy for my temporary insanity, he advised me to head over to his abode, hit the mitts , work some crazy cardio, and eat dinner.为了治疗我暂时的烦恼,他建议我到他家去,玩击打,做疯狂的跆搏健身,再吃晚餐。

2.He wears a warm coat with a hood, a wool scarf around his face and heavy mitts on his hands.穿着带有兜帽的暖和外套,脸上围着毛围巾,带一副很厚的棒球手套。

3.I stared at my chipped mitts in embarrassment.我尴尬地瞪着自己毛糙的指甲。

4.At his Dongdaemun Bath Academy, students gathered in a tiled shower room to learn how to scrub naked customers with a pair of sponge mitts.在这所Dongdaemun洗浴学院,学生们集中在一个铺了瓷砖的澡堂中学习如何用海绵手套给裸体客人擦洗。

5.She wore white gloves ( "these mitts" ) whenever she had to do so.凡是需要戴白色手套(她称作“这些连指手套”)的场合她都会照做不误。

6.example: snow, ice, cold, trees without leaves, boots, jackets and mitts. Write these words in a pst.雪、冰、寒冷、落光叶子的树、皮靴、外套以及手套等等。将这些单词列一个清单。

7.Here's one of the best catcher's mitts ever made, sir.先生,这是一双接球用的上好无指手套。

8.I'm going to put on my hat, scarf, jacket, mitts and boots .我要戴上我的帽子,围上围巾,戴上手套,穿上夹克衫和靴子。

9.A towering man with hands the size of catcher's mitts posed for photographs with Captain Bell.一个高个子男人,手有棒球手套那么大,上来和Bell上尉合影留念。

10.Other gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials.其它纺织材料制其它手套、并指手套及露指手套,针织或?针织者。