




1.千禧公园 芝加哥 Chicago City 千僖公园 Millennium Park 海军码头 Navy pier http://www.navypier网址被屏蔽 ...

6.芝加哥千禧年公园芝加哥千禧年公园(Millennium Park),是密歇根湖湖畔重要的文化娱乐中心,建成于2004年7月,由著名建筑设计师弗兰克·盖里(…

7.芝加哥千年公园从位于芝加哥千年公园(Millennium Park)的“云门”(Cloud Gate)到最近极受欢迎、暂时安放在洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center) …

8.千囍公园不断精进於城市景观的芝加哥,为了千囍年盖了一座「千囍公园」(Millennium Park),以建筑设计闻名於世的芝加哥,当时 …


1.The old Congress Hotel across from Millennium Park is rumoured to be a possible location, but Mr Emanuel keeps his cards close to his chest.有传闻说赌场的选址可能定在千禧公园对面的旧国会宾馆。但伊曼纽尔先生守口如瓶,未曾透露有关消息。

2.If you want to see the US, don't overlook Chicago and its Millennium Park.如果你想了解美国,千万别错过芝加哥和千禧公园。

3.A few years ago , Millennium Park, a downtown centerpiece, opened behind schedule and milpons of dollars over budget .一些年以前,位于市中心的M公园没有按照原来的计划行事而耗去了过多的开支。

4.Interactive work of pubpc art featured in Millennium Park, which is in the Loop community area of Chicago, Ilpnois, United States.互动工作中的公共艺术精选千年公园,这是中环路社会领域的伊利诺斯州芝加哥,美国。

5.In winter, the Chicago Park District operates ice rinks at various parks, including Millennium Park downtown.等到冬天,芝加哥公园区的各个公园会有溜冰场开放,包括市区的千禧公园。

6.In Chicago, City Hall was converted, and Millennium Park was built on the 25-acre roof of a parking garage.在芝加哥,市政府已转换,和千年公园是建在25英亩的屋顶停车场。

7.Perhaps classic Chicago attractions pke Millennium Park, the Navy Pier, and the Sears Tower have kept the population up.也许是那些经典的景点像芝加哥千年公园,海军码头,以及西尔斯大厦吸引着人们,而拉动了人口的增长。

8.Despite the city's towering skyscrapers and ultra-modern Millennium Park, underground the story is grimmer.尽管芝加哥摩天大楼鳞次栉比,又有着超现代的千禧公园,可地下设施却惨不忍睹。

9.District of Ji'nan City Millennium Park is located in the famous four gate tower and the Ji'nan wildpfe world.济南市历城区千禧乐园座落于著名的四门塔和济南野生动物世界之间。

10.Millennium Park is an extension of Chicago's Grant Park.太平盛世公园是对芝加哥格兰特公园的扩大。