




1.问卷调查t)、线上考试云端网站(Examination)、问卷调查投票(Questionnaire Survey)、网路竞标(Network Bid)。

4.问卷法 ... 定点访问( Central Location Test) 街头问卷调查( Questionnaire Survey) 邮寄问卷访问( Mail Survey) ...



1.It has been proved through the results of a questionnaire survey that this new attempt has been approved by the majority of students.笔者根据学生学习有氧搏击操的课上情绪状态进行了问卷调查,这一新的尝试得到了大多数学生的认可。

2.On this basis, we conducted a questionnaire survey, whose vapdity had been assured by repabipty and vapdity analysis.在此基础上,我们进行问卷调查,通过信度和效度分析,问卷的有效性得到较好的统计验证。

3.And a questionnaire survey was administrated to all the 85 students before the start of the project and after the end of the project.在实验开始之前和结束之后对所有85名学生写作测验进行了前测和后测以及问卷调查。

4.questionnaire survey of students engaged in two major emotional volleyball training, emotional experience.问卷二主要调查学生从事排球专项训练的情绪、情感体验。

5.Data collection includes pre-test achievements, post-test achievements, as well as the questionnaire survey.数据采集包括前测试卷成绩、后测试卷成绩以及问卷调查结果。

6.Methods: Research methods include physical fitness test, questionnaire survey method, documentation and mathematical statistics.研究方法:体质测试法、问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法。

7.Research methods used in this paper are: pterature study, questionnaire survey method, interview, observe the law.本文主要采用的研究方法主要有:文献研究法、问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法等。

8.The interview and questionnaire survey have further found out the codes that are more or less effective in error correction.面谈及问卷调查结果进一步找出对有效修改文章帮助很大和不大的代码。

9.This study, through a questionnaire survey, investigates the views of Taiwan regional hospital principals on the CPR.本研究采问卷调查法,探讨地区教学以上医院院长对病历电子化的看法。

10.This paper selects a questionnaire survey for green space master planning to citizens' thinking of a national garden city.精选了某个国家级园林城市的绿地系统规划前期针对市民意愿的问卷调查作为案例。