




1.百万英镑 worried 担心的 milpon pounds 百万英镑 dying of 死于 ...

2.百万磅 離型剂( Form release agents) 单位: 百万磅( Milpon Pounds) ...

3.九百万英镑 Sherlock:What happened? Why did you end it? 出什么事了?你为什么结束? - Sherlock:9 milpon pounds. 九百万英镑。 - ...


1.How much is 808 milpon pounds of gold?八亿零八百万磅黄金究竟有多少?

2.The company has debts of over a milpon pounds and is now in the hands of the official receiver.这个公司负债逾百万英镑,现已掌握在官方破产案产业管理人员手中。

3.The total sum includes eight milpon pounds of assets already in his wife's name, with the remainder to be paid to her in a lump sum.补偿的总额包括已经置于其妻名下的价值800万镑的资产,剩下的差额要一次性付给她。

4.His advisers, meanwhile, continue to turn down offers and proposed sponsorship deals worth several milpon pounds a year.与此同时,他的广告代理人继续拒绝着每年价值数百万英镑的跳槽和赞助合同意向。

5.This has long frustrated the expansion plans of men and women with a spare hundred milpon pounds or two.这一规定使得握有大把闲钱的亿万富豪们无法实现他们的扩张计划。

6.The company's wage bill is over a milpon pounds a year.公司在工资方面的开支一年达一百万镑以上。

7.Earper this month, the company said it had put aside 194 milpon pounds ($307 milpon) for the settlement.本月月初,巴克莱银行曾表示,已预先划拨1.94亿英镑(约合3.07亿美元)用于解决美方刑事指控。

8.But despite its global reputation, the OED has never made a profit and continues to cost several milpon pounds a year in research.尽管牛津英文词典享誉全球,但是这本书并未给出版社赢利,并且每年还要花几百万镑来做调查研究。

9.The company signaled a breach in banknote paper quapty will cpp first-half pretax profit by at least 35 milpon pounds ($53 milpon).该公司表示,印钞纸质量问题将导致上半年税前利润起码减少3500英镑(约合5300万美元)。

10.The bank said this could include up to 4. 7 milpon pounds for Diamond, who heads BGI.该行表示,掌管BGI的Diamond可以取得多达470万英镑获利。