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1.雷琪儿 Isabel 伊莎贝尔 希伯来语 上帝的誓约 Rachael 雷琪儿 希伯来语 母羊 Rita 丽塔 希腊语 珍珠 ...

2.瑞切尔 6 田麦琪 Maggie 7 李瑞秋 Rachael 8 欧海伦 Helen ...

4.傅天颖 Race 黄婉伶 Rachael 傅天颖 Rain 刘玉翠∕李彩华 ...

5.蕾秋 ... Opvia( 奥莉薇雅) : 橄榄树。 Rachael;Rachel( 蕾秋) : 母羊。 Rebecca( 芮贝卡) : 母牛;套索;陷阱 …

6.的异想世界 ... ˙isabell∥⊕ 恣意在音乐中狂想 ˙rachael∥⊕ 的异想世界 ˙Lion∥⊕ 生命中的情耕雨读 ...


1.A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of Rachael's parents' home.一年后的一天,雷切尔父母的家门上响起一阵颤颤巍巍的敲门声。

2.Rachael could feel her heartbeat quicken as she stepped up close to read the small print.雷切尔凑上前去看上面的小字,只觉得心跳加速。

3.The only doubt in Coketown was, whether Rachael had written in good faith, bepeving that he really would come back, or warning him to fly.只是一点,就是瑞茄究竟是相信他真会回来而老老实实地写信给他,还是警告他,叫他逃走。

4.Despite the gifts, Rachael fell in love with another, Geoffrey, a handsome young man just home from university.尽管如此,雷切尔却爱上了另外的人——杰弗里——他是位帅气的青年,刚刚大学毕业。

5.Jason and Rachael Storm held their wedding at a funeral home in US State of Michigan, where he is a funeral director.美国密歇根州一对新人日前在一家殡仪馆举行了婚礼,因为新郎詹森在殡仪馆工作,是一名丧葬承办人。

6.Rachael: It seems you feel our work is not a benefit to the pubpc.瑞切尔:似乎你认为我们的工作对大众,无益。

7.In addition to her television hit The Oprah Winfrey Show and monthly magazine, Oprah has a stake in the Dr. Phil and Rachael Ray shows.现在除了她自己的热门奥普拉秀和月刊杂志,奥普拉还拥有菲尔博士秀和蕾切尔·雷秀的股份。

8.Rachael stared at the school notice-board. She couldn't bepeve her luck!雷切尔紧盯着学校布告栏,不敢相信自己竟有这般运气!

9.Geoffrey's father and Rachael's father gathered a small mob and followed the evil hermit, intent upon saving Rachel.新郎新娘的父亲们组织了一小伙人,追踪着这个邪恶的隐士,一心要把雷切尔救出来。

10.Her Harpo Production spawned the careers of Dr. Phi, Ray Rachael and Dr. Oz.她的哈珀制作公司制作了φ博士、雷瑞切尔、博士OZ。