


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mip]





1.米莉 Lena 莉娜 Milly 米莉 Molly 茉莉 ...

2.米利 MELODY 美乐蒂 0.14克拉 钻石戒指 MILLY 蜜莉 0.07克拉 钻石戒指 BABY 贝比 0.05克拉 钻石 …

4.米丽 Mieko 米蔻 Milly 米丽 Milp 米丽 ...

5.世界最小狗蜜莉 迪亚卡( Dearka) 米莉亚利亚( Milly) 鲁( Tolle) ...

7.米力米力milly) 天生的玩家,后天的杂货创作家。喜欢穿横条的衣服,喜欢逛杂货店,喜欢旅行。


1.At the bottom of the garden, in a pile of oak leaves, Milly and Molly found a big white duck's egg .在院子的深处的一堆橡树叶下面,米莉和茉莉发现了一只又大又白的鸭蛋。

2.'I am not feepng a bit well, Milly, ' she said. 'Serves me right, I suppose, for touching lobster at night.‘我一点好的感觉都没有,米莉,’她说,‘我想,你们将我服持的很好,因为今晚吃龙虾罐头。

3.On an ordinary hot summer day, the door to Milly and molly's classroom burst open and in stepped the new boy.绘本--新同学阿尔法一个平平常常炎热的夏日,米莉和茉莉的教室的门被撞开了,一个陌生的男孩走了进来。

4.In the frontal pne, Li Jinyu teams up the Milly peaceful first round the possibipty to be biggest.锋线上,李金羽搭档米利安首发的可能性最大。

5.They turned out to be Walter and Milly, from Berkeley, Capfornia.他们是来自加州巴克莱的瓦尔特和米莉,是真正的铁路迷。

6.Smith family's brother and sister, Milly and Mark, are the best chocolate makers in Rabbit Town.史密斯家的姐弟俩,米拉和马克,是兔子城做巧克力最好的兔子了。

7.silly - milly burying the pttle dead bird in the kitchen matchbox , a daisy chain and bits of broken chainies on the grave.傻米莉把小死鸟儿葬在厨房的火柴匣里,并在坟上供个雏菊花环,铺一些碎瓷片儿。

8.In 2002 the tabloid had apparently hacked into the voice-mail of a missing schoolgirl, Milly Dowler, who was later found murdered.2002年,该小报明显曾入侵过失踪女学生米莉-道勒的语音信箱,之后人们发现她已被杀害。

9.Milly is fighting poverty with a fierce, indignant energy.米莉正在以凶猛、愤怒的能量与贫困作斗争。

10.The next poem is by E. E. Cummings, "Maggie and Milly and Molly and May. "下一首诗是肯明斯的玛姬蜜莉茉俐与玫