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网络释义:中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine);网格编码调制(trelps coded modulation);中医学



1.中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)传统中医TCM)并非只有汤药(毒药),《内经》前中华传统中医是不用药的,是天人合一的砭、箴(针)、灸、导引按跷…

2.网格编码调制(trelps coded modulation)网格编码调制TCM)技术的水声通信系统及DSP实2MATLAB在双闭环直流调速控制系统教学中的应用27 矩阵运算与Matlab …

3.中医学传统中医学TCM)是深受中国古代道教哲学思想而形成的一门古老的保健治疗科学。根据传统中医的理论,人体的健康取决 …


5.传统中药而在传统中药TCM)中,野生和种植以及加工的不同通常有不同的名字。比如,种植的亚洲人参被称为“园参”,而野生的人参 …

6.中药报道,采用中药(TCM),西药(WM),中药加西药(TCM-WM)分组口服治疗溃结68例. TCM组:中药(马齿苋100g,大血藤20g, …


1.Someone with knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) came out with a secret recipe of using herbs and spices to cook with pork.一些具有传统中医知识的人提出了一个秘方,就是用中草药和调味料一起炖猪骨。

2.Traditional Chinese Medicine is often called TCM.中药经常被称为TCM。

3.There is no doubt that TCM will take its place in medical circles of the world as a completely new medicine.毫无疑问,中医药将以崭新的面貌耸立于世界之林。

4.TCM seems to be obeying the old medical mantra of doing no harm to its patients' health.传统中药似乎遵循着古老的医疗准则:不损害病人健康。

5.Yeah! I read some introductions for TCM. Some of the basic theories are so difficult to understand, such as the concept of Yin and Yang.是呀!我读过一些对中医的介绍。有些理论很难理解,比如阴和阳的概念。

6.Yellow Canons Internal Medicine was the classic work of TCM. It was a monumental medical work which involving in many other subjects.《黄帝内经》是中医学的奠基著作,是一部以医学内容为主体,涉及众多学科的巨著。

7.One of the major practical values of TCM fingerprint pes in its use in the total quapty control of TCM manufacture.中药指纹图谱一个较大的实用价值就是用于中药生产的全面质量管理。

8.Sex, age, occupation, educational level and whether or with gallbladder stone has no relation with the distribution of TCM syndromes.性别、年龄、职业、文化水平及是否伴胆囊结石与中医证型分布无关。

9.The author explain the means of concept of lasting movement for directing TCM technique of diagnosis.主要从诊法、辨证方面入手,具体阐释恒动观念在中医诊断学中的指导意义。

10.The degree to which TCM education can promote industry in proportion to its scale.中医教学拉动工业的大小与其本身规模大小相等。