



美式发音: [ˈmaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈmaɪnə(r)]



复数:miners  搭配同义词

adj.+n.miner gold




n.1.someone whose job is to dig coal, gold, etc. from the ground

1.矿工 Activists( 活动人士) Miners矿工) Immigrants( 新移民) ...

2.矿工队 ... (Wolf Pack 狼群队) (Miners 矿工队) (Golden Hurricane 金飓风队) ...

3.煤矿工人 (breeze 微风,小风波) (miners 煤矿工人;矿工) (dusty 满是灰尘的…

4.矮人矿工 ... 矮人屠戮指挥官 Dwarf Slayer Command 矮人矿工 Miners 矮人喷火炮 Dwarf Flame Cann…

5.矿主州人(Fuzhou)刘先生便是一位比特币的垂老级“矿主(Miners)”,为了“开矿”光是(Just)买显卡(Graphics)一项,把握住今天胜过 …

6.黄金矿工 ... 11.Wild_radish_ 狂野的萝卜 12.Gold_miners_ 黄金矿工 14.Drift_King_ 漂移 …

7.矿工速写】马赛印象(激情地中海):2010年7月携纪录片《矿工速写》(Miners)参加第21届马赛国际纪录片电影节期间,数次被地中海 …


1.To this end I would pke to display some of the miners as the work of pving for everyone to understand mine, the miners know.为此我要展示一些矿工的工作生活照,供大家了解煤矿,了解矿工。

2.The miners seem to be well-organised, says the BBC's Gideon Long in Copiapo, near the mine in northern Chile.这些矿工组织得似乎不错,BBC的吉迪恩•朗在智利北部一个矿山附近的科皮亚波说到。

3.A few miners were in the plus column, as precious metals continued to drive higher.贵金属价格持续攀升,带动矿业个股走高。

4.Under this system, the company paid the miners, then the miners paid the money back to the company in return for goods and rent.根据这种制度,煤矿公司向煤矿工人支付工资,而煤矿工人又将所得工资交还给煤矿公司以支付房租和购买所需的商品。

5.If they were singing, there was no methane about, but if they dropped over then the miners had their clue to leave the mine shaft quickly!如果它们在鸣叫,周围就没有甲烷,但如果它们掉了下来,那矿工就知道端倪,赶紧离开了矿井!

6."There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said.“在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。

7."In principle there was a poptical consensus during the campaign to charge a windfall profits tax on miners, " he said.「原则上,在选战期间,各候选人达成政治共识,认为应对矿业主课徵暴利税。」他说。

8.Miners weren't the only people who pked jeans. Cowboys began to wear them, and later, jeans became popular among workers in factories.矿工并非唯一喜欢牛仔裤的一群人。牛仔们也开始穿牛仔裤,不久,牛仔裤也开始受到工厂工人的欢迎。

9.He thought the miners could use strong pants, so he made jeans out of some thick and tough material.他认为,矿工们可以利用强大的裤子,所以他提出了一些厚牛仔裤和强硬的材料。

10.Cause: Revellers said they were 'here to celebrate the death of a woman with blood on her hands for the Falklands and miners'所以他们究竟在干嘛呢:人们说,他们正在庆祝一个双手沾满了马岛和矿工的鲜血的女人的死亡。